Thread: Tyce Green
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Old 29 Jul 2016, 22:29   #14
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 28.06.2008
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Originally Posted by loaferman61 View Post
Meat Loaf can't be copied. I'm interested to hear someone else singing Jim's songs. He's a good singer, just can't really compare him to Meat. Probably kind of unfair to compare the young man to a rock legend really.

I'm just happy Jim's songs and style will still be carried forward by someone.
If you're going to sing Steinman songs, yeah you definitely need to bring something to the table. The song can't just be 'sung' or it sounds hollow.

I just spent 6 months figuring out how to sing For Crying Out Loud. I was planning on doing it for my 9th anniversary. Believe it or not, the damn video I did overnight, the song took me months to learn how to sing even after knowing it for like 10 years :P

I'm a bass. So I tuned it down. My approach to the song became very simple and obvious near the end. It's all about emotion. It was all about how I feel about my wife and love, and the idea of somehow living without her. You've gotta have a play or something in your head. You have to sing it with feverish emotion that's real, not just acted. What that ended up producing was a softer version of the song. People seem to like it! It got a great response on Facebook. I'm ok with how it turned out.

Getting the right mixture of emotion and living the song along with singing style and not over singing or under singing it was very, very hard.

It really gave me a new understanding of how much Meat puts into his work.

Here's the Wav soundcloud

Video is
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