Thread: Tyce Green
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Old 30 Jul 2016, 10:00   #22
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 16.02.2003
Posts: 2,217

Making a general comment here... but I was tired of hearing that no one could do a Steinman song like Meat, ten years ago. Imagine how tired I am now. YES, no one CAN do a Steinman song like Meat, that is certainly true unto itself. But no one can do a Steinman song like... Steve Barton in "Tanz". Watch this video.

This is sort of HIS "For crying out loud" in my mind. Then there's Elaine, Rory, Holly, Kyle, Karine, Ellen, Karla, Bonnie Tyler. They all bring so much to the table. I'm never going to hear Meat Loaf wail the end of "Faster than the speed of night" the way Holly does. I say this as a massive Meat Loaf fan!!!
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