Thread: Tyce Green
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Old 31 Jul 2016, 00:11   #26
Mega Loafer
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Originally Posted by nikox1 View Post
He's a decent singer, and he's bringing some Steinman music forward I guess.
Best of luck to him, but yeah I agree Meat gets Jims songs like no other.
Ps Matt keep up the good work
Thanks bud. PS From what I've seen from Tyce Green he sounds great. He brings his own thing to the songs.

Tribute acts are fun and are supposed to be nostalgic, but artists who are true to themselves but still sing those older songs to their own convictions are wonderful, and I encourage it.

Some cover songs I've heard as a nieve younger person I've actually mistaken for the original! For example, about 10-15 years ago I heard Limp Biscuit's cover of Behind Blue Eyes, and it was the first time I ever heard the song. I LOVED IT! (yelling intended baha)

Later on I become a huge David Gilmour/Roger Waters fan and I thoroughly enjoy the originals more now, but at first I liked that aholes version better

I also love Johnny Cash's cover of One by U2. He brings something else to the song.

So it just goes to show you, covers can be a great thing.
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