Thread: Tyce Green
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Old 02 Aug 2016, 23:38   #30
Mega Loafer
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Originally Posted by samurai7 View Post
Sorry to rain on your parade, but Behind Blue Eyes is a Who song written by Pete Townshend, not a Pink Floyd song by Gilmour & Waters. But agreed that Fred wossname is an Ahole :)
Lol, yeah, I knew that. Unfortunately, that didn't dissuade me from writing something so inaccurate in my post.

What I should have said, had I actually been awake enough to comprehend my own thoughts, was that I had heard the cover of behind blue eyes by the Who, and I actually still like it better than the original.

Having said that, when I first heard Wish You Were Here as a cover, I liked the cover version better (It wasn't by Fred Durst btw, can't remember who but If I did some digging I could find it). After I heard Gilmour perform it, that changed things for me. I've thought of his rendition of it as really the best version for me since.
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