Thread: Tyce Green
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Old 03 Aug 2016, 12:03   #35
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Originally Posted by ThatWriterGuy View Post
Probably best to wait until you can actually HEAR it before you make a judgement. Tyce has got some surprising vocal chops under his belt. That said, it definitely won't be for everyone (especially if you're expecting ML style vocals ... because that ain't ever gonna happen, by anyone, anywhere!).

Out of curiosity: how would you all feel if LADY GAGA recorded an album of Jim songs, in her own style?
I'm always open to other artists interpreting Jim's work. There have been many over the years, some great, some good, some ok. I can't say I've heard any that I think have been terrible (in the grand scheme of music), but there have been a couple that just haven't been my preferred versions.

I think depending how she did it, Gaga has that grandiose thing of her own going on at times so I could see her bringing something gothically eccentric to certain songs...probably I would say something as her style was between the releases of Bad Romance and the Born This Way album (I thought Artpop was perhaps pushed a little too far into the bizarre at times).

In the end, I remember Billy Joel once saying in a radio interview that when he started he didn't want to be a singer, he just wanted to write for people but was told that the only way to get his music out there was to sing it himself so people could hear it. When Westlife recorded Uptown Girl, he was asked what he thought, and he said that he was always glad to hear other people's interpretations and takes on his for me, and particularly when I have written anything be it songs, novels, scripts, there are two purposes - to please yourself (your own personal directors cut as it were) and to please other people, who will interpret what you put out in the way that makes them happy. Sometimes you might like it, sometimes you might not, but what it always does is keep your work alive.

Other than the really big players, try and name more than a handful of singers from the 40s or 50s who had decent sized, well loved hits back then that are ever heard of in general discussions now. Then have someone like David Guetta (not sure on the spelling there) put out a remix album of their work and see how suddenly people can name them again.

It can be a double edged sword, but the goal of any songwriter is to have their work live on in some way, and as Jim has heard Tyce sing and had a hand in singling him out, I'm sure he will be happy which is good enough for me.
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