Thread: Tyce Green
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Old 05 Aug 2016, 01:21   #42
Sound Guy
Join Date: 25.11.2003
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 187

Hi, so i am the Co Producer of this project and have pretty much played ALL the guitars.....

There is another teaser coming out today I hope, this one is 4 mins plus and gives a proper idea of production etc, then there will be a release date set for the first single Hero....then an album release date for October is likely...were waiting on album artwork and mastering....

Remember 2 outta 3 (sorry) of the teasers have been songs that Meat NEVER recorded, so we cant think about comparing Meats vocals on songs that he never did....and Eclipse and Hero were both female, Tyce is obv male so a completely different take on it......

Love all your comments, remember, this is Tyce, not Meat, he is a young man with a VERY bright future indeed, the gauntlet he HAS been handed is HUGE.......Keeping Jim and Meats music alive for a new generation.......and lastly, after Meat retires, who is going to hold the candle worldwide singing Jims music live exclusively!.....

lets support this as i know you all will!! :)

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