09 Oct 2016, 14:39
Super Loafer
Join Date: 06.02.2003
Location:  Rutland, England
Posts: 453
Originally Posted by mindnick1
Thanks so much, the production was something we REALLY focused on as we feel Jim's music should be HUGE sounding most of the time......and YES there are plans right now for some UK shows, just trying to make the numbers work...the album is going to be released in FEB 2017 so sometime around March maybe for the UK shows.....we were going to release in Nov but the artist for the album cover wont have it ready in time, by the way the cover is as epic as Braver....again we feel any Jim album should have an epic cover!..lastly, and without giving too much away it may be the only chance the uk will get to here some of the Braver songs live...
oh fantastic!!