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Old 29 Oct 2016, 17:20   #1
White of High
Nature's Siegfried
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Default 124. Going All The Way (A Song In 6 Movements)

Let's Go to Rock 'n' Roll!!!!!!!

Going All The Way (A Song In 6 Movements) (6)

This is a great song, one of the best of Jim Steinman. I liked Karine Hannah's version, except the disco part what was perfectly worked over by Paul Crook. So, why is it only 6 from me? The answer is complex.

1) I don't understand why it's a trio. The song is a little bit pointless to me with 3 singers, it would be much better as a duet.

2) Meat is breathless in the entire song, except the end where they've used too much auto-tune.

3) Karla and Ellen still has voice but they are over of their best. At 4 minutes Karla sounds in 'the fears are never very far' part very bad. Ellen's voice was auto-tuned various parts of the song, but it's 2016, everybody does.

4) Production. I like how Paul Crook has worked over the disco part, but that's all. I never liked his work on HIAHB and I think he couldn't reach the level of Bat1, Bat2 or Dead Ringer. Todd Rundgren could produce and arrange Jim Steinman songs, Paul Crook or Desmond Child cannot. That's my opinion.

So... This song is great but they missed the goal.

My score: 6
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