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Old 10 Nov 2016, 05:47   #6
Julie in the rv mirror
Spirit in the Night
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Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
U2, Lady Gaga, Springsteen, George Clooney and others behaved like morons. Trying to take away people's choices. Ie don't do that or you're a racist etc.
If they REALLY thought Clinton was great, fine by me, go campaign for her (I still don't see why a politician needs rock concerts etc but whatever and Jayz Beyoncé were paid millions apparently). What they almost all did is to constantly focus on Trump was wrong and childish. Trump is not ~~~~~~ no matter how often you say it. When he puts his mind to things he is mostly successful. Sure out of the 100 ventures he has dabbled in he has had missteps. Considering only 1 in 10 businesses succeed his ratio isn't bad at all. You don't just become a billionaire through sleeping. He gets up at 5am everyday. That's a lot earlier than me.
How on earth were celebrities "trying to take away people's choices"?! That's a ridiculous statement. I didn't see Bruce or Gaga using intimidation tactics at the polls, unlike some of Trump's supporters. He is a billionaire who has lost billions and declared bankruptcy on more than one occasion- hardly a person I would trust to improve the economy. Perhaps he should be sleeping at night instead of engaging in a Twitter war at 3 am over ex- beauty pageant contestants.

Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
Trump is no angel however, sure. Rude alpha male at times and sure he likes beautiful women. I don't believe he ever grabbed women that didn't want it.
Well, this sexist, misogynistic statement says a lot...

Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
He never insulted Clintons supporters. Clinton did insult his supporters. These things are significant.
No, he just advocated physical violence against them.

Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
Finally I honestly believe a government isn't there to make me feel good. I want it to uphold law and order, uphold constitutions, organise trade deals, strife for peace and good international relations, indeed keep me safe through borders if that's possible and never forget it is there to represent the common person who pays for the government.
I want those things as well; I don't believe Trump will do those things. I do not believe he will protect the rights of ALL the citizens of my country. I do not feel safe with that man representing my country to the world. He doesn't speak for me.

I can't wait until Trump's supporters realize how they were duped and lied to- he's not going to come through on his unrealistic promises. It will be very interesting to see what happens then.
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