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Old 07 Dec 2016, 17:51   #12
I hope your salmon sucks!
Join Date: 18.01.2004
Location:  Northamptonshire
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I agree with Jenna.
To me this is one of the best songs Meat has ever recorded.

The feeling I had when I listened to it the first few times to me conjured up everything I've ever loved about Meat's music. It took me back to Anything for Love & Bat (also Paradise). To me it is act 3 or act 4 in that series. Bat, Paradise, AFL, GATW. or just Bat, AFL and then GATW. In that way it is then interesting that Meat sings solo on Bat, duet on AFL and trio on GATW.

Love the heroic Top Gun-esque intro, the stunning strong vocals from Ellen & Karla (by far the best vocals on the album), the anticipation waiting for Meat's "You think I fly...." solo followed by relentless repetition of the final chorus which to me acts as a way of flicking through Meat's entire music history. "Going all the way is just the start..." indeed!


A billion / 10.

Such a shame many will never hear the long version / longer with the crap radio edit that was online and was used for the disappointing video
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