Thread: Tyce Green
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Old 19 Mar 2017, 21:16   #125
Mega Loafer
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I have to say I really like this album and it grows oon me every time I listen. To my ears they set out to make modern rock versions of the songs and I think they did precisely that. I sympathise with the comment about Mariah Carey style vocals and hate it when things get unnecessarily twiddly. However I didn't find Tyce went over the top in that regard. In fact I think he knocks the vocals out of the park while also putting his own stamp on the songs, as does the production. In terms of the track Braver... well let's just say the bits I thought would work much better in the high male register work brilliantly well in the high male register.

All in all it's refreshing to have so much new or re imagined Jim content coming out and I really hope that all of the publicity adds up to lots of new young fans to keep Jim's legacy alive.

Thanks Nick, Tyce, and the team! I hope it's a massive success and opens the possibility of more in the future.
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