My CD arrived two days ago. I was (and still is) very happy with that.

The first (studio) CD was made big impression to me. It's fantastic!
Songs that made biggest impression to me:
Holding Out For A Hero - wow's more rockier than Bonnie Tyler's version. In other words: Bonnie did very good job, but Tyce version is stellar; it's so good that it should be big hit in Tyce concerts;
Total Eclipse Of The Heart - very good cover (and, perhaps, better than original);
It's All Coming Back To Me Now - superb job done by Tyce!

I'm Gonna Love Her For Both Of Us - I was shocked when I hear this. Why? I think that melody is better than in Meat's version.
Objects In The Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer Than They Are - another fantastic interpretation done by Tyce (and crew)

Second (acoustic) CD is also very good!

I think that all songs (their interpretation) are superb, and "For Crying Out Loud" is the king among them.
PS. I will buy another Tyce CD, because he proved that he is fantastic singer.