Thread: Tyce Green
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Old 09 Dec 2017, 00:45   #192
Senior Loafer
Join Date: 19.07.2006
Posts: 131

Well you keep on using the term "steal", and that term is totally wrong. Is walking into a museum and taking one of the pictures the same thing as taking a photograph? You should embrace the idea that there are actually people who buy records after listening to a ripped copy. I have done so many times. Those are records I wouldn't have bought otherwise. In the past, passing on tapes was a way to promote music to friends, who later often bought records and went to shows. Consider that not everyone who gets his hands on a copy would have bought the record in the first place. But it is a way to spread the word about your art.
Now talking the way you do could actually put some people off. And it paints a picture of a desperate salesman who would put up higher price tags to compensate for a decline in sales. Just my two cents.
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