Thread: Patti Russo
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Old 28 Jan 2022, 22:25   #140
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Originally Posted by sandmage View Post
The Kitchen Sink just posted a "funny" parody video. Giving the Podcast's close association with Patti her vague accusations and her recent tweets, I can only read this as being a disguised insult.
On the off chance that I'm getting this wrong, I hope ThatWriterGuy will clarify it. All the trivia about Jim was really interesting. And I considered myself until very recently a huge Patti Russo fan. But this is not the time for being vague or funny.
I realize I'm probably just feeding a troll right now. But, most Patti fans are Meat Loaf fans too. If you've got unsolved business with Meat and you're angry that you cannot hurt him anymore and now want to get at (some of) his fans? Well congratulations! I'm not going to buy Patti's Album if it was full of unreleased Steinman songs.
If it's Hale and Pace - Meat Loaf, ITV have blocked it.
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