Thread: Patti Russo
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Old 31 Jan 2022, 14:12   #143
I hope your salmon sucks!
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Looking through the tweet responses and someone wishing Patti death over Meat and Patti admitting she was suicidal 7 years ago I think we need to take a step back here guys and let's not "cling on every word..." Patti says that you may disagree with or read too much into what we don't understand and take everything as a negative.

I disagree with what Patti posted and like I said above it seemed wayyy out of character to me.
It did upset me for sure.

But let's not beat Patti down or pretend she doesn't exist, when we only have little knowledge of what is going on.

We already lost one of our beloved idols. No matter what others write, nothing should change our love and respect for them completely. A family of friends should be strong enough to let every one make mistakes (as long as they are not the Phil Spector type of mistakes! )

I can only assume Patti IS actually hurting inside even if she doesn't show it now. Her anger is most likely clouding her judgement of some of her tweets she posted.
At least I am willing to give her that benefit of the doubt now that my own anger has subsided somewhat.

In this day of cancel culture let's not fan the flames of trying to cancel people that we actually love (or have loved) when the media are ABSOLUTELY loving this extreme approach from fans and celebrities. Don't fall for their trap.

We can tell Patti what she posted is wrong or disrespectful but endlessly hurting or damaging her reputation is not right.


Last edited by AndrewG; 31 Jan 2022 at 14:39.
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