Thread: Patti Russo
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Old 31 Jan 2022, 17:36   #145
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Originally Posted by Adje View Post
Patti seems to be the kind of person that thinks she can have both - Her own opinion (which she can) and her own facts (which is not how the truth works)

The fact that she is fighting her demons and seems to be in a dark place does not give her carte blanche to insult and hurt people on social media without being held accountable for it.
Absolutely true and people rightfully said she was talking bollocks with the Deborah tweet especially.

But saying things like "I think you should be six feet under instead." just crosses a line also.
And I worry it might just get worse and people start to (look to) mis-interpret things with each subsequent tweet.
I don't want to be associated with cancelling people or wishing them dead.

That's all I'm saying.
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