Thread: Patti Russo
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Old 02 Feb 2022, 14:35   #149
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Originally Posted by ThatWriterGuy View Post
Therein lies your dilemma.
Look, I'm not being funny here but you and Patti seem to have continuously over the past while hinted at things and dropped tidbits here and there and it's wearing thin.

My primary stance with anything like this is to believe victims, if someone comes out and says something then absolutely give them benefit of the doubt and investigate where it should be investigated. Two sides to a story, but where there is smoke there is fire and all that.

Now this is a touchy subject because Meat has tragically passed on, and he can't defend himself anymore and I don't want to see his family brought into anything either. We all probably know Meat wouldn't have been a saint in his lengthy career, we've all seen how he could act on here, we have heard stories about his temper or seen his social media posts. I don't doubt Patti had a hard time during her career with him and I sympathise with it.

But I'm finding this act of dropping hints/tidbits and vagueries, almost like a "Listen on and all shall be revealed" to lure people in to be a bit disrespectful. If there is something to say, it should have been said by now, not strung out as it has been.


Also as far as the insults towards Patti go, wishing death on people is 100% never acceptable and no one should have to face that.
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