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Old 11 Dec 2003, 07:53   #30
Super Loafer
Join Date: 20.11.2003
Location: Florida
Posts: 482

Originally Posted by sherrie87
Bad Attitude said:
When this message was posted I was taking a final in statistics and, I ended up with a B+ in the class overall, yeah me!!!!!!
Good going Bad Attitude! I took stats when I was in grad school at USF, and I got a C- but only for one very unfortunate reason- my prof died the day of the final! I didn't deserve a C by any stretch- math of any kind and I don't get along- but I think the school was struggling to determine everyones grades and I got lucky (though my prof was quite unlucky, unfortuately.)

Sherrie- math phobic!
Thanks Sherrie and Shadow.
Yeah, I have to admit that math is not one of my favoirtes either I am definetly math challenged and I had to work hard to get this B+, but now I am done with math no more math in the rest of my college career.
Wow, Sherrie your profesor died wow, I didn't have professor die but one of my professors left on leave right before the last 2 weeks of classes as she was having a nervous breakdown.
I am happy and flying on the clouds tonight, no more math for me.

Love & Happiness
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