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Old 04 Jan 2004, 00:39   #29
Super Loafer
Join Date: 23.05.2003
Location:  Nottingham
Posts: 663

Mine has to be:

Not to shout at my kids as much, to love and respect them for who they are. (Even when they are a pain!)

To smile at 10 people I dont know every day. (Could get locked up for that one)

To be happy with what I have and stop wanting things out of my grasp. (Thats the lottery down the pan then)

And most thank god for every new day that I awake and be happy that I have been granted another day on this earth. (Sounds corny I know, but its a woderful feeling to have)

It sure beats trying to give up junk food and fags when I know it just aint gonna happen!
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