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Old 27 Jan 2004, 18:57   #22
Ooh weee ooOOoh!
Join Date: 14.04.2002
Location:  In the Land of the Manc's
Posts: 445

If you look really closely! Squint a little. Tilt your head to the side slightly while looking at the webpage by the light of a full moon on midsummers night.... you could see a post on the topic of Kasim!!

Just kidding Seems to have gone offtopic slightly though.

Looking forward to more news of a possible few Kasim gigs in the UK. Hope I don't have to travel far for them! I'll hope to go to them, but I'll give no promise or no guarentees. It will depend on if I can sacrifice enough pennies to one side for it. My sisters moving out and as long as she don't hold me back, I should be able to get to one before she was gone!

Ok. I appologise Sue! Cheap humour but it amused me at least!! :)

Goodbye ( )

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