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Old 28 Jan 2004, 05:17   #29
Join Date: 23.04.2003
Posts: 24

Originally Posted by sultonfan
Would of been cool for Kasim to of done the play he had planned, anyone know what it was?

The Bald Soprano by Eugene Ionesco... It's from the genre known as Theatre of the Absurd. Takes some getting used to. And it's very difficult to memorize as the lines don't relate to each other in a normal question/answer, logical flow of things.

Kasim was going to have a British accent, it sounded pretty good to me when he gave me a small sample this summer - and I'm a theatre major with a distinct Anglophile streak ... But then again I tend to make allowances for Kasim, imagine that... Given his lack of formal acting training, it really wasn't half bad... and consider the audience - they all would have been hearing it through their NY filters anyhow. Hehehe...

Vicki said
As I said before, I tried for at least 15-20 minutes to get into the chat, and was unsucessful. I've heard I'm not the only one ... which is something you may want to think about in the future
FYI - Gina & I are the co-mods at the Yahoo board, and neither of us has even seen this kind of turnout for a Kasim chat before - it was record-breaking (at least from the 2 - 3 years since I've been a part of the crew). When Kasim & I were setting up the chat, we tried to make it at a better time for the UK folks, since they're usually up terribly late to talk to him. Seems to have worked out well for everyone, although the unwanted side-effect was the booting out of participants - even Kasim got kicked out twice... I myself got booted about 20 minutes into Kasim's time with us and couldn't even get back to the home page until the next day . Not a happy camper with Yahoo right now...

If anyone has suggestions for how to make the chat room more stable/cooperative, I'd be more than happy to hear them :) Or if you know of a more reliable chat "spot" we could "borrow" for occasional Kasim chats, let me know that as well...

-Laura, aka libertine
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