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Old 28 Jan 2004, 05:50   #30
Super Loafer
Join Date: 20.11.2003
Location: Florida
Posts: 482

Originally Posted by SueW
Kasim said at the chat that the E-Bay idea was Meat Loaf's and that if it does go ahead then there would be loads of copies available. (One possible solution, although not mentioned at the chat, could be to do it at a Buy It Now price so that fans don't have to bid against each other).

I don't want to post the link here (as I don't want to upset R!) but we have a messageboard on when we quite often discuss Quid Pro Quo. Or start a new thread here (as it wasn't mentioned much at the chat).

Btw, Kasim did say that he's sold out of copies of QPQ at the Meat Loaf concerts so if the other 2 concerts do go ahead, you can not purchase them at the venues but there are links on both and to buy the album.

Hi, SueW

And thanks for the reply yes, I do think that the buy it now option would be the way to go on ebay and that way no one is having to bid against each other and there is a fixed price for each concert being offered. I hoep that this works out and it the price is not to hi then some of us can buy a couple copies of the different concert that Meat did in the UK.

Also thank you for the information on Kasims album I really want to check it out as I have heard so many poeple on the list talking about it.

Take care and thanks again for the information.
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