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Old 28 Jan 2004, 17:57   #44
The Flying Mouse
Armed ba$tard and Jo's other half.
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Anyway, back on topic (at least for two minutes ), I think that the Cavern (don't know the Tavern Deb unless you mean Cavern) would be a great venue for Kasim to play .
It's a very historical music venue.Not too big.His Beatles cover went down a storm during the Having Fun For The Summer tour.AND, if he did play the Cavern he'd get to have his name engraved on a brick (all together WWWWOOOOOOOOOO )Actually it is pretty cool all the famous names on one wall.Kasim would be a welcome addition.
I can't argue with him playing Anfield either as it's less than 5 minutes walk from my house .So if anyone wants a pre show cuppa.......

As for suport, hmm, bit more difficult .LOVE the idea of Eric Clapton, but no offence to Kasim, but you don't want a name that big in suport .He needs someone a little more average.I supose I could check my diary
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