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Old 06 Mar 2004, 15:33   #11
the enchanted spleen
Join Date: 12.02.2004
Location: ok, you see that sweet little cottage? I live next door in the nuthouse.
Posts: 1,909

Aaaah, thank you!

My first kiss was when i was with a friend whos a boy, and we sort of started holding hands and after hearing taunting from my other friends little brothers we just sort of kissed. I had no idea how to kiss and I was just bumping all over the place! It was last year. We don't really see eachother much and we are just friends.

Erm, Finding a twenty in your pocket, Relief also springs to mind when i dropped a tenner, and after about ten mins i ran back and found it lying in the middle of the pavement! And where i live thats nothing short of a miricle!

Running into a long lost friend, i still have to do that. I have an old friend who i miss dearly and i can't see her because she lives far away.

But there are things that make me drepressed.

Like being shunned and given the cold shoulder.
(long story)

Missing my nan and grandad who were like my second parents.

Being lost.

Being called horrible things like freak and having things thrown at you.
(thats all finished now)

people misunderstanding you. (wrong end of stick sort of thing)
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