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Old 08 Apr 2004, 11:21   #50
Daddy's little internet junkie
Join Date: 29.01.2004
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Originally Posted by Sheriff Spud
We all go through sh*t times now and again and fantasising on what will never be isn't going to get you through it. You need to focus and appreciate what have got in the here and now and not what you'll never get in the future.

If you'd stop living in cloudcuckooland for a day or two, you'd probably realise that life isn't that bad after all!


Go back to your cabbage patch please!!!!!!

You have to realise that noone thinks the same as you, therefore your veiw on Emily's remedie for making herself feel better, does not have to be true!!
Some people may think its true to say that, but guess what spud...........EVERYONES DIFFERENT!!! Suprising i know!!

So please, if you havn't got anything constructive to say, please keep it to yourself, or PM's!!
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