09 Apr 2004, 05:14
Join Date: 06.12.2003
Posts: 56
Paul and John working with Brian May?
Well, here's my "Unofficial" list of band members for Las Vegas ... I'm told the names have been published by our partner Michael Gill's office, and the 'runners up' notified with our thanks. The talent really was great ... it was very uncomfortable having not enough jobs for all the excellent players ..
Here's the WWRY BAND we chose....
MD/Keys 1 - Keith Thompson
Asst MD/Keys 2 - Phillip Fortenberry
Keys 3 - D. Gause-Snelson (she’s called “Dee” )
Guitar 1 - Paul Crook
Guitar 2 - David Hornbeck
Drums - John Micelli
Percussion - Jim Belk
Bass - Oliver Hofer
The titles "Guitar 1" and "Guitar 2" do not imply any preference or seniority - they just specify which "chair" they occupy. The two guitar parts are complimentary and they share the soloing, depending on which song ....
John Micelli is an old friend - I played with him when I guested with Meat Loaf a few years ago in London Wembley Arena. He's a truly magnificent drummer, quite reminiscent of Cozy to me in style, although he's very much an individual. Also a total gentleman, and inspiring to be around. I actually can't believe our luck in getting him! The rest of the band are all new discoveries for me, except for Paul Crook, whom I bumped into a few years ago when he was in ANTHRAX - we were on the same bill in Chicago. He's hugely fluid and juicy as a player (hope those are suitable epithets!) very tasteful and very modest as a person. The other axeman David Hornbeck just walked in and laid the parts down like he'd been doing it for months already - very incisive, rhythmic with a touch of danger! The two guys instantly complemented each other in the room, so I have very good feelings about this. Keith came highly recommended by more than one source, and he's very experienced at doing the MD job, as well as being a fine player himself. Philip quickly impressed us with his technique - a fine musician. And Dee (or is it "D" ??) just brought joy into the room - her playing matches her ebullience as a person - injecting much life into the score. Oliver comes originally from Germany, and, among a very fine collection of bass players who turned up to audition for us, he still managed to stand out - high precision, great style, and a natural blend with the drums. This leaves Jim Belk on percussion - we picked him for his range and sensitivity - and Roger was impressed by the tightness of his playing.
So there you have it - we have a band!
I'm very much hoping that some of the great musicians we weren't able to pick for the job will stay around and dep, and maybe eventually play in Toronto or elsewhere. .. it really was a great bunch of guys ..we're very privileged.
And for the WWRY VEGAS BAND - we are off and running. This show will be shorter than its English counterpart (due to Union restrictions) - but it sure will Rock just as hard!
So Paul and John are playing with Queen? Cool.
I hear the We Will Rock You musical is quite good.