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Old 28 Feb 2010, 23:39   #1
Mega Loafer
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Default Kill Your Idols!!!

There a lot of discussions around this board about American Idol, X Factor and similar shows...which has gotten me thinking and led me to a creation of this thread...

The big bomb of the last season of AI was Adam Lambert. For those who don't know him - look him up - this is as close as humanity ever came to Freddie Mercury's voice...BUT...the man is obviously gay and over the top flamboyant for which he is getting a lot of beating...

This man has lost AI to the current AI winner who isn't worth a discussion here so we won't go is the man:

Flamboyant ain't he? Liberace voting for this guy...'

Now...rewind a few decades back...decades mind yourself - not days or years...and here it is...imagine...AI and X Factor are in existence...

These are your contestants...

And now...put your hand on your heart...and look deep into your soul...would you vote for them?

Wow...I just took another look and Adam Lambert looks like an altar boy in comparison to this lot...

Discuss amongst yourselves...
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Old 28 Feb 2010, 23:55   #2
The German
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it's all about conformity now...and that's sad...

on the other hand though, check out Germany's most popular boygroup:

I definitely wouldnt vote for them either, yet they have a HUGE fanbase, not just in Germany.

So it cant be the audiences fault for getting the same crap over and over again
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Old 28 Feb 2010, 23:58   #3
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The thing is...I had to compare apples to apples...I just grabbed people from Meat's ones would make anybody look like altar was actually more interesting to see what was happening some 40 years ago and if current look is THAT new and controvercial...

I've also picked the biggest stars of the time who are still in business...this is not a random selection of pictures...look again...
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Old 01 Mar 2010, 00:01   #4
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And what got me actually thinking is that Meat and Adam are from different times but not THAT different...both started in musical theater, both have voices of angels...both are over the top theatrical and flamboyant...and if you take a look inside both albums (Adam's first and Meat's latest) - you will see pictures that are so similar, it will literally blow your socks off...

I guess it was for me more about Meat than anything his fans now can't except what he was some years ago...
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Old 01 Mar 2010, 00:10   #5
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I'd have voted for any of them because I'd vote on how they sounded and the quality of performance and passion ..

Someone sings like Freddie? I'd vote for him whether he was flamboyantly gay or dressed in a skirt and cardigan ..

I was mesmerised by Meat the first time I saw him on the Whistle .. I didn't really dwell on his hair or waistline .. it was the voice and the performance .. that electrifying in your face passion. Looks are transient .. quality and passion endure

And all those you presented me with have .. except for poor Freddie who's no longer with us .. but if he were he'd still be a top performer.

Class endures, and they're all class acts.

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Old 01 Mar 2010, 00:17   #6
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Originally Posted by CarylB View Post
I'd have voted for any of them because I'd vote on how they sounded and the quality of performance and passion ..

Someone sings like Freddie? I'd vote for him whether he was flamboyantly gay or dressed in a skirt and cardigan ..

I was mesmerised by Meat the first time I saw him on the Whistle .. I didn't really dwell on his hair or waistline .. it was the voice and the performance .. that electrifying in your face passion. Looks are transient .. quality and passion endure

And all those you presented me with have .. except for poor Freddie who's no longer with us .. but if he were he'd still be a top performer.

Class endures, and they're all class acts.

As close as we will probably ever come to Freddie Mercury's voice...check him out on Youtube...and I am pretty sure Meat is a fan too - there are clips of Meat endorsing him...still lost to the guy that I can't even remember the name of...
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Old 01 Mar 2010, 00:18   #7
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Originally Posted by mszee View Post

I guess it was for me more about Meat than anything his fans now can't except what he was some years ago...
Not sure I follow you there? He still attracts new fans who are crazy about BOOH, which continues to sell .. and longer term fans took him to their hearts exactly as he was then .. so where's the non-accepting of what he was then?

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Old 01 Mar 2010, 00:21   #8
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Originally Posted by CarylB View Post
Not sure I follow you there? He still attracts new fans who are crazy about BOOH, which continues to sell .. and longer term fans took him to their hearts exactly as he was then .. so where's the non-accepting of what he was then?

I guess what I was trying to say it this...If somebody like Adam Lambert created so much noise and controversy...and "bad boy - wild child" names...and lost to the gray guy...what would have happened to Meat should AI/X Factor existed back then and he was a contestant...

People on this forum specifically pointed out they would never vote for the question is...would have they voted for Meat where the only big difference is that Meat is straight?
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Old 01 Mar 2010, 00:46   #9
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Originally Posted by mszee View Post
I guess what I was trying to say it this...If somebody like Adam Lambert created so much noise and controversy...and "bad boy - wild child" names...and lost to the gray guy...what would have happened to Meat should AI/X Factor existed back then and he was a contestant...

People on this forum specifically pointed out they would never vote for the question is...would have they voted for Meat where the only big difference is that Meat is straight?
Ah .. well I wouldn't refuse to vote for Adam Lambert because he's gay .. I don't watch AI so didn't have the opportunity, but if he sounds even close to Freddie he'd have got my vote were I in the US.

And Meat? You bet! I wasn't bowled over because I fancied the pants off him I was swept away by the power of his performance .. as was my then husband, who didn't fancy him either

And I adored Freddie from the first moment I heard him .. but his wildly encompassing sexual preferences were pretty obvious .. who cares? He had a wonderful voice, was brimming with passion, and exuded sex appeal on stage. But I didn't need to fancy him to adore him as a performer .. (think the overbite would have got in the way )

Over here Will Young, who just lost out in his X-factor final, has made a big career for himself and has a massive female following, despite the fact he's come out since winning.

But if that many people on here have said they woudn't vote for Adam Lambert simply because he's flamboyant and gay? .. who knows how they'd view Meat if he were .. He'd still have got my vote .. given his performance was just as powerful with that voice as huge We have fey little things like stick insects with wisps of blond hair singing close to falsetto on our talent shows, and they don't move me at all .. not because they're gay; most of them are straight but just too ephemeral for my taste. They'll be chucking embryos on stage soon! I think you need to have left childhood to give a passionate performance that stirs the senses!


Last edited by CarylB; 01 Mar 2010 at 00:54.
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Old 01 Mar 2010, 00:50   #10
duke knooby
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the moral of the story is.. don't judge a book by its cover!!!
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Old 01 Mar 2010, 01:14   #11
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Originally Posted by mszee View Post
As close as we will probably ever come to Freddie Mercury's voice...check him out on Youtube...and I am pretty sure Meat is a fan too - there are clips of Meat endorsing him...still lost to the guy that I can't even remember the name of...
I just did, and see what you mean. I'm not sure the songs did him justice actually, as I was just about to say .. Nah .. He sounds like him but without the level of power .. then I found a clip of him singing the Star Spangled Banner .. and THEN I saw what you mean So yes, I think he has the voice in him .. just not convinced by what I've seen that he's brought it to fruition yet.

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Old 01 Mar 2010, 03:33   #12
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Originally Posted by CarylB View Post
I just did, and see what you mean. I'm not sure the songs did him justice actually, as I was just about to say .. Nah .. He sounds like him but without the level of power .. then I found a clip of him singing the Star Spangled Banner .. and THEN I saw what you mean So yes, I think he has the voice in him .. just not convinced by what I've seen that he's brought it to fruition yet.

Caryl...therein lies the tragedy that Meat managed to avoid early on - he found his Jim Steinman...
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Old 01 Mar 2010, 03:35   #13
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Originally Posted by duke knooby View Post
the moral of the story is.. don't judge a book by its cover!!!
Exactly...Duke Special doesn't look like his songs either...
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Old 01 Mar 2010, 12:37   #14
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AL should have won AI, there are thousands of people like the winner Kris, who i don't think will be around for long, he is just so average and nothing different !
I love AL, him being gay is of no consequence to me, its his voice i am interested in, his album is imo superb and i think he will be around for a long time ! He did remind me of Freddie M, flamboyant and the voice to match !
I am watching AI once more, i can't see anyone outstanding yet, but its very early days, i think AI does produce real finds, not always the winner ! I also think that Xfactor has found some great singers, Leona Lewis and Alexandra Burke are my faves.
I would love to see Meat do a song with AL:)
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Old 01 Mar 2010, 13:20   #15
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hmmm....I haven't heard much of AL as I didn't catch the last Idol but I'm currently listening to the cd on've only listened to the first song but the high pitch voice parts remind me of Mika!

As far as the XFactor, I did actually buy Alexandra Burke's cd, and while I liked it, I haven't listened to it in several weeks because like so much music it has fallen into the "everything sounds alike" category - i.e. Alexandra, Leona, Beyonce...I've got all three cds and it is now getting tiring!

My fav, though is's just a shame at the moment because his first cd which was more pop did so well and he had such good publicity, but his second cd - which is more classical but excellent imo - is not getting much attention and he has more or less gone back to promotion only in Wales and he's barely been heard anywhere else which is a shame because I think his voice is close to Meat's, I think. :)
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Old 01 Mar 2010, 13:38   #16
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Judging by so called "perfect vocals" the majority of the top musicians from decades gone by may not have made it.

I mean look at John Lennon and Paul McCartney, quite possible the best songwriter partnership that has ever existed and overall they weren't the greatest singers. They just had "it"

You can put nearly everyone that has made it into the category of just having that and it's something you can't really bottle and sell (which is what the talent shows try to try) for a consumer.

This is why every mother and father think their little girl is the next Mariah's like sifting for gold, you'll find some nuggets but you'll have to go through a lot of crap to see it.

As i've said i'm not a fan of the idol shows, but i'd be first in line for the hypocrisy train if i was offered the money and opportunity they have been, those that make it and can make a living from it i have huge admiration for without having to like their music.

And then there's the likes of Jedward...if someone is willing to pay so much money for them to "perform" i say fair play to them, grab it while you can
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Old 01 Mar 2010, 15:05   #17
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Originally Posted by K1ttycat View Post
hmmm....I haven't heard much of AL as I didn't catch the last Idol but I'm currently listening to the cd on've only listened to the first song but the high pitch voice parts remind me of Mika!

As far as the XFactor, I did actually buy Alexandra Burke's cd, and while I liked it, I haven't listened to it in several weeks because like so much music it has fallen into the "everything sounds alike" category - i.e. Alexandra, Leona, Beyonce...I've got all three cds and it is now getting tiring!

My fav, though is's just a shame at the moment because his first cd which was more pop did so well and he had such good publicity, but his second cd - which is more classical but excellent imo - is not getting much attention and he has more or less gone back to promotion only in Wales and he's barely been heard anywhere else which is a shame because I think his voice is close to Meat's, I think. :)
I love Rhydian's last album, it is very different to his first, more classical like you say, but excellent none the less. Promotion is imo the key, without great promotion its like banging your head against a brick wall !
As for Jedward, yea you can't blame them for making money while they can. It was torture watching them on telly, but addictive none the less, i watched it just to see how shit they would beLOL...
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Old 01 Mar 2010, 15:26   #18
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Just while I think on, the title struck me as something I'd heard before, didn't axl rose used to go around wearing a t-shirt with the slogan "Kill Your Idols"

Appetite for destruction, now there's talent for you!
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Old 01 Mar 2010, 15:47   #19
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I listened to the entire AL cd now and yes, it is the last song! While I was listening I was thinking that he reminds me of someone and then it dawned on me...while not exactly alike, there was a band that had an album released in 1989 (I bought the cassette only because I liked the album cover and ended up loving them - don't ask!) and no one I know has ever heard of them...think they were way before their time and just never made it big....Darling Cruel. Think they just had the one album but after looking into it the lead singer Gregory Darling has had a cd out in 2006 and a new one out last month. Anyhow...a trip down memory a listen - his voice has rather a Meat effect on me! :)
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Old 02 Mar 2010, 03:26   #20
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Originally Posted by 24K View Post
AL should have won AI, there are thousands of people like the winner Kris, who i don't think will be around for long, he is just so average and nothing different !
I love AL, him being gay is of no consequence to me, its his voice i am interested in, his album is imo superb and i think he will be around for a long time ! He did remind me of Freddie M, flamboyant and the voice to match !
I am watching AI once more, i can't see anyone outstanding yet, but its very early days, i think AI does produce real finds, not always the winner ! I also think that Xfactor has found some great singers, Leona Lewis and Alexandra Burke are my faves.
I would love to see Meat do a song with AL:)
I usually pick 'em a mile away...I've picked Adam before he opened his mouth...this is the first year that my 2 picks already went home...and I am really not into anybody right now...I hope when it gets to the final 12, they wipe their noses and dress them up and point the way to the stage...otherwise it's going to be a pretty dull season...
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Old 02 Mar 2010, 03:28   #21
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Originally Posted by allrevvedup View Post
Just while I think on, the title struck me as something I'd heard before, didn't axl rose used to go around wearing a t-shirt with the slogan "Kill Your Idols"

Appetite for destruction, now there's talent for you!
There is a book called Kill Your Idols by Jim DeRogatis who is currently musical editor for Chicago Sun Times...used to be Rolling Stones but spake too much truth...interesting collection of essays for music lovers...
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