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Old 24 Oct 2006, 21:32   #1
Mega Loafer
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Default Interior Design help needed!

OK, is anyone here any good at interior design type stuff please?

I am currently in the throes of redecorating the bedroom. It has three large plain walls (16 feet wide, 10 feet high) which are being painted a pale off white colour. To hang on them I have purchased nine black adn white poster prints (the henri Silberman New York photos) each of which measures 23cm by 50cm.

How would people reccommend I frame the pics please?

A few considerations:
1. Professional framing would be too expensive.
2. i do not like or want wooden varnished frames
3. I am not bothered if they are glass, plastic or open fronted.
4. the room scheme is black adn white with burgundy carperting.

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Old 24 Oct 2006, 21:48   #2
Mega Loafer
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Sorry for putting my five cents in...not interior decorator but do have eye for color, however, not seeing the room is hard.

But black and white posters will call in my opinion only for a very plain thin silver framing...basically metal strip all around...probably would be nice if it's kinda...has a little curve to it in width instead of being flat.

Not good with measurements but sounds like walls are rather tall and prints are not so much...if that's correct, another suggestion would not hang them in a row...make the middle one lower than the others...and the right one possibly slightly higher than the left...although left and right on the same level will work too...or hang them diagonally period...depends how it looks like. can always fly me over???
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Old 25 Oct 2006, 03:27   #3
Mega Loafer
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Thought about it some more and black highly lacquered frame of the same dimensions (thin and curved) will work too
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Old 25 Oct 2006, 08:22   #4
Ageing Bat
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Wilkinsons do very reasonably priced clip-frames in pretty large sizes - there's no frame around the picture that way. If you wanted a frame, have you thought of painting one directly onto the wall, then hanging the pictures inside the painted frames. It's a good way of incorporating other colours into the room. I've always found that 3 colours work well - two main (in your case black and white) and a third to pick out the detail (burgundy), so in this instance I'd paint the 'frames' in burgundy. You'll need some masking tape, to mask-off the white walls, and a lot of patience!
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Old 25 Oct 2006, 09:29   #5
Mega Loafer
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Like MsZee says don't hang them in a row! It'll chop the wall and it won't look good. Actually offsetting them any way will look good and you don't have to put three on each wall if only one wall has them all it'll still look good. Although I would personally depending on how many prints you have, make a feature wall and then have one or two on the other walls.

Personally I wouldn't put them in clip frames if you can avoid it. Let's just say I've had an experience with them falling apart before me, I promise I didn't touch it
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Old 26 Oct 2006, 22:10   #6
Rob The Badger
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I'm going to disagree - putting three frameless prints side by side with a gap of about 9 inches between them can look fairly striking so long as the prints aren't too bold.
Don't be afraid of putting bright colours with bright white (white, not shitty cream or beige etc)....
Red and white is very much in vogue at the moment, as is black and white. You may try getting an artist friend to paint you some abstracts to go with your decor.
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Old 27 Oct 2006, 22:54   #7
Mega Loafer
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Originally Posted by Rob The Badger View Post
I'm going to disagree - putting three frameless prints side by side with a gap of about 9 inches between them can look fairly striking so long as the prints aren't too bold.

Not if they are all the same size and orientation (landscape and portrait )

If they are different yes they would look good side by side but, the wall is still kinda to tall for something like that.
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