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Old 19 Dec 2003, 20:57   #51
Fallen Angel
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No problem!!
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Old 20 Dec 2003, 01:10   #52
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Default Meat's Reply to Michelle

Meat replied to Michelle in his own style. This is from the entertainment section of AOL:

"MEAT Loaf has lashed back at Pop Idol finalist Michelle McManus after she complained he was ugly when she was compared to him.

The rock legend laid into the 23-year-old while brandishing a copy of the Daily Mirror on stage at a sell-out concert in Manchester.

Meat growled: "She's nothing like me. For a start she's three stone heavier.

"First time I appeared in Manchester in 1977 I was 70lb more than now and I was a sex god. She wishes she was me."

Pointing at Michelle's picture he added: "You're never going to be a sex goddess."

Michelle was compared to Meat Loaf by Pop Idol judge Simon Cowell and responded: "I don't think I look like Meat Loaf. I hope I don't... Meat Loaf is not attractive."

On ye go big man! Being from Scotland, I'd like to see Michelle win, but no one and I mean NO ONE inults my meat and get's away with it!
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Old 20 Dec 2003, 01:39   #53
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I think that was a very silly thing she said. Seeing as at this time her public image is crucial to whether or not she wins pop idol
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Old 20 Dec 2003, 16:48   #54
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Default fat people have feelings, remember this.

i have a son who is a little chunky, and for the past year he wont go swimming with his school, why? because his classmates call him nasty names, blubber man, get the idea.
they even jumped on him in the pool, trying to see if they could make him sink, as they told him with all his blubber he wouldn't.
despite repeated trips to the school, the taunts still continued, being not choosen in sport, and the kids shouting earthquake if he ran in the school yard, poking his stomach and trying to trip him up to see if he would bounce.
this summer he wouldn't take his top of in the sea, as he said he would be laughed at.
he now wont go out once he gets home from school, as he says he would rather stay in than be subjected to all the taunts.
my son is twelve years old, before you say it, i have been to see the parents concerned, and lets put it this way i can see where the kids get their behaviour from.
i put this on as i am fed up with all the posts regarding the girl from what ever program it is, and the name calling, yes it may be aimed at someone else but it still aimed at a person with feeings.
no she may not come on here, but i still dont think it is called for to put all this kind of name calling on here.
sorry for anyone who is offended by my post.
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Old 20 Dec 2003, 17:06   #55
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Default Re: fat people have feelings, remember this.

Originally Posted by Bigmomma
fat people have feelings, remember this.
Merged into this topic, because it belongs here.
And I wish some people would have this in mind while posting.
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Old 20 Dec 2003, 17:11   #56
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I'm sorry to hear about everything your son has to endure. It's hard enough to do when your an adult. I couldn't imagine a 12yr old boy.
I really think that alot of it stems from society today. 3 weeks ago my 10yr old told me that she wanted liposuction because she is "sick and tired of being fat." Now my child is nowhere near being fat or even a little overweight but she thinks that she is. Myself, as a parent, have always told her that it doesn't matter what you look like, it's what's inside that counts but that doesn't matter to her right now. Maybe it's her age, I really don't know
You are right Kezzina, everyone does have feelings and it is time for the name calling to stop.

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Old 20 Dec 2003, 17:13   #57
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hey bigmomma

Good on ya for speaking up, you get no arguments from me. Of course, I mostly lurk so take it for what it's worth Whether or not the person is registered here doesn't make it ok to call someone names. We've had many, many discussions of this name-calling "thing" in other threads, I believe... Maybe the people involved haven't read those, so it's good to have someone speak out here.

Like your son, I was never a skinny kid. I was made fun of all the time. Once, when I was in college, I was walking down the sidewalk to my car and some yahoo yelled out the car window "Hey! You're FAT!" What gets in to people that they have to say such things?? Like it makes any difference in their world, or takes anything away from them, or whatever??

Meat went through his share of teasing as a child, I'm sure he can attest to the pain it causes. What it comes down to is this - Name calling is never ok.

Lest anyone think I'm being all sanctimonious and preachy - Yeah, I've done it too, and I wish like heck I could take each and every horrible name or insult back. But life only works in forward. So I do my best to treat everyone the way I would want to be treated. I still screw up - but I try to say I'm sorry and make a concerted effort to do better tomorrow...

Self-revelation time is over for now, I have to get ready for work...
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Old 20 Dec 2003, 17:33   #58
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sorry to hear about your daughter maria, i have a girl who is the same even though she is nearly six foot and really slim she thinks she needs to lose weight
Libertine, thankyou for your post, i am honoured, i know you very rarely post so it means a lot that you did so this time, and i am sorry that you have had this problem too.
i have had this trouble on and off for a few years, due to being on and off the steroids, so i am used to it, but my lad, he cant understand it and i wouldn't expect him to, he too wants some form of surgery but i have explained to him that no, he will grow soon.
but as you know maria, soon isn't soon enough for kids...
but we shouldn't be made to feel uncomfortable about our size, wether we are children or adults, and it is something i am heartily sick of seeing when i come on here over the past few days...
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Old 20 Dec 2003, 19:52   #59
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I know what your son is going through bigmomma, I too was teased about my weight when I was at school, although not to the extent your son is. There are still ignorant people now who point and make a fuss about my weight, so I decided to start going swimming again as I have always loved swimming but have stopped going now as I couldnt cope with the bitchy comments n staring from some other women

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Old 20 Dec 2003, 20:13   #60
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Life is what you make of it, I'm so sad when I see comments about people being bullied, I too was bullied at school, not because of my size but because of something else, and it has effected me, it's effected my confidence in myself and my ability to do things, and it makes me angry to hear that the prevention of bullyng in schools doesn't seem to be improving at all ....

Debs, don't stop doing something you love just because of some small minded people who wouldn't know individuality if it hit them in their faces, you are who you are, you're loved by your friends and family and no-one else matters. Afterall if someone told you to stop listening to Meat Loaf you wouldn't, would you? So why stop swimming just because you're not what they think is an acceptable size/shape a woman should be ...... prove them wrong, show them you're stronger than that, and keep doing what you want to do, you can't let other people run your life for you.

Shadow, and Bigmomma, be proud of your children, show them that they are beautiful, in your eyes they always will be. I know this goes without saying but show them you love them, and they don't need to change, they're perfect just the way they are .....

We're all individuals, we're all perfect in our own way ..... we've got to beat the bullies, don't let them ruin your life the way they almost ruined mine.

Shelly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Old 20 Dec 2003, 20:25   #61
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Am not gonna mention weight, just gonna say, I will be voting for Michelle tonight as she has a great voice AND has given Meat lots of publicity in the last week, and ya know what they say, any publicity is good!!!!
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Old 20 Dec 2003, 20:28   #62
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Thank for that Shellyb01

The reason I dont go anymore is because it knocked my confidence too much. I was fed up of people laughing, pointing and staring n it wasnt just once it was every time I went. Im not normally violent but they made me feel like giving them a good thumping. It also brought back memories from being bullied at school.
My stepmum is bigger than me and works as a cashier at a swimming pool and she will only go swimming after they are shut to the public, again its a confidence thing. Also she has got health problems, she is diabetic and suffers from panic attacks, although not as bad as she used to, at one point her panic attacks were that bad that she wouldnt go out for a meal and didnt like eating at home if she had visitors there.

Narrow minded people dont realise how much they hurt people

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Old 20 Dec 2003, 20:43   #63
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Keep smiling Debs .... could you not go swimming with your StepMum?

Everytime I build my confidence something happens and I've got to start again, so I know what you're going through, I know what you're feeling. Keep going though, when you stop and you let them get the better of you that's when they win, and you can't let them win.... :)


Shelly xxx
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Old 20 Dec 2003, 21:10   #64
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I have followed this topic with interest, and felt it time now to post a few words...........

You are all lovely people inside and out............

You all have something special that bullies cann't and won't ever be able to take away from you......................

You all have self-worth, and radiate love, compassion and warmth for your fellow human beings..............

Pity the poor bully, who has no real friends........ and no love for his/herself,which is probably why they behave in this manner.

Even at 53 I can remember only a few years ago, my then boss, was a particularly nasty person, who just seemed to have it in for me and was always putting me down, bullying has no age limit.....

But then I made the decision to leave that position and started a local school where my supervisor now is such a lovely person, I have worked here now for nearly 4 years, and never regretted a moment of it.

It is never to late regardless of your age to fight back, always remember that.............

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Old 20 Dec 2003, 21:19   #65
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Great post Dottie. You're right about bullies usually being motivated by their own sense of inadequacy .. and at work tend to do it because, like the manager you worked for, do it because they can use the organisational power they've been given.

As you say, it's never too late to call a halt .. and I'm so glad things have worked out for you so well in your current job :)
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Old 20 Dec 2003, 22:27   #66
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Great post dottie, thanx for sharing that with us
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Old 20 Dec 2003, 23:13   #67
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Originally Posted by DebGreaves
Great post dottie, thanx for sharing that with us

Yes, thank you Dottie
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Old 21 Dec 2003, 00:29   #68
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shellyb01, thankyou, for your words,yes my boy knows that he is special to me every day, we have our chats and everything and he knows he can come to me whenever he needs to, he will allways be special little guy,no matter how old he gets!
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Old 21 Dec 2003, 00:40   #69
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Default Society these days

It really bugs me when people single out bigger people and claim they're abnormal or something. My little brother is a big lad for his age and it hurts him a lot. He gets called Hagrid (harry potter) at school and it's upset him a lot. It annoys me because he's a cool wee boy but the bullies don't bother about that. When he's older I think he'll realise that size means nothing. Look at Meat. He's a big guy, but it hasn't kept him back. He's a legend and a lot of women wouldn't say no, me included!
Personally, I prefer a fella with a bit of weight about him. I'd feel safer with a big guy that a skinny bloke. Plus he'd be more cuddly
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Old 21 Dec 2003, 00:47   #70
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Default Re: fat people have feelings, remember this.

[quote="Bigmommai put this on as i am fed up with all the posts regarding the girl from what ever program it is, and the name calling, yes it may be aimed at someone else but it still aimed at a person with feeings.
no she may not come on here, but i still dont think it is called for to put all this kind of name calling on here.
sorry for anyone who is offended by my post.

Hi, Bigmomma
I am sorry to hear about how your son is being treated, as a parent I know how it feels to have your child treated this way. I am considered over weight have been most of my adult life due to being on steroids and non-steroidal antiflammatory medicine for osteoporosis in my joints and TMJD.I have osteoporosis in my right and left jaw which is caused by degenerative joint disease, I also have osteoporosis in both my knees which I have had to have surgery on both knees for torn meniscus and articular cartilage. I have to take the medicines to prevent pain and the inflammation from getting so bad that I require surgery again, but with taking the medicines so come the side affects like weight gain, nausea, ect.

My daughter (who is 23 years old) is also what society would consider over weight, and even thought she is not that much over weight people do not give her the chance to show how kind and loving that she is.
As far as being worthless and stupid, neither me or my daughter would qualify for either, we are both seniors in college and both have a 3.65 GPA, and I worked as a quality control technician for Minute Maid (the orange juice company) and was one of the head technicians for the company. So even thought I am over weight I am not a worthless lump of shit or stupid.

When I first fell in love with Meat’s music I weighted about 110 pounds at the time in 1978, and he weighted 200+, I looked past the weight and what other people thought of him at the time and was well rewarded with 25 years of Meat’s music. :) :)

Again I ask that people look past the weight issues and look at what is in side of a person, we all will be old one day and our skin will sag and our hair will turn gray, the beauty that we once had will fade with time.
So let's try to look beyond the exterior beauty and look for the beauty that inside a person.
Sorry for the long rant.

Love & Happiness
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Old 21 Dec 2003, 00:54   #71
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My daughter is a big person (aged 15 yrs) and has been teased about her size. she joined the dance class after school with a few of her mates (some big others smaller) they did a dance concert a few weeks ago & she was one of the ones that stood out - having more co-ordination & flare.

Size does not matter. what is inside does.

She has told me that one or two girls at school do not eat - are really thin but think they are fat. They pop pills instead of eating (what's that all about ?) She is happy with her size & who she is.

Give your brother lots of praise & love, he'll realise nothing is wrong with him

I am also big, but I am healthy, happy & content.

rock on all bigger statue people
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Old 21 Dec 2003, 00:59   #72
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i know what you mean bad attitude about the side effects of steroids, i too am on a regular dose of them, c.o.p.d. requires a daily intake of them,and lots of other delightfull medications!
sorry to hear about all your other health trouble as well.
i too wish people would look past the exterior, as a lot of people have beautiful personalitys....
colt what you said i have to agree with totally, the day bullys see a person instead of a target the will be the best day going, my boy is placid and of the most giving nature imaginable, he would do anything for anyone, do the bullys see that no.
best wishes too all,
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Old 21 Dec 2003, 01:03   #73
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My son has a simular problem but the other way round, he is very skinny. He is 6 years old and doesn't get teased so much as comments. He asks me why his friends say things like tin ribs and stick insect, i told him they are only jealous. He eats like a horse and still only weighs 2 and half stone.
i tell him its cos he was prem and has always been tiny, doesn't really help the poor lad tho.
I have always been over weight so I know what its like to be called, I think most people have been on about the Michelle thing in regards to making comments about Meat and saying he is unattractive, thats what has upset every one
I have a friend who's son is 5 and weighs 6 stone, he is going thru hell at school, I feel for him so much.
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Old 21 Dec 2003, 01:09   #74
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christabales, most of my children were prem, and they soon catch up,
as my gran used to say they have all the room in the world to grow in...
my daughter who is nearly six foot and only fifteen was prem, although she is skinny it is because of her height !
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Old 21 Dec 2003, 01:19   #75
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Originally Posted by Fallen Angel1

Size does not matter. what is inside does.
Couldn't agree more. Fortunately society is changing and people are beginning to realise that. I think Michelle winning pop idol is a good thing because she's broken the mould. Now others might realise that people don't need to be thin to succeed in anything. As long as a person has talent, who cares what they look like.
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