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Old 15 Jul 2010, 05:32   #1
Join Date: 10.04.2007
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Default Horrible news....

I just had to give away my ticket to the Kewadin show....

I was just diagnosed with cancer this week and I cannot afford the treatments, so I had to sell a bunch of my stuff....and my ticket. I am so saddened as this was my only chance to see Meat live....

Wow..I'm heartbroken right now....

If anyone has any ideas....please, please let me know...

thanks guys

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Old 15 Jul 2010, 05:45   #2
Mega Loafer
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I am truly sorry to hear this AJ
I wish there was something I could do to help you.
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Old 15 Jul 2010, 05:49   #3
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Eh...such is life I suppose...-sigh- what a horrible week this has been. I had to sell some of my rare ML collectors items too.
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Old 15 Jul 2010, 05:59   #4
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I am really sorry to hear that AJ Over where I live if you cannot afford treatment, you usually try to set up a fund and have people donate to it. I wish I had enough money to just give you enough to afford treatment. All I have to say is cancer is a demon that must be fought and beaten in whatever ways make sense to you. I guess there is probably one thing you can be sure of, Meat will probably release a DVD of this tour, since its so damn good, so I'm sure you'll get to see the show in its glory eventually

Best wishes to finding the money you need to, and to a speedy recovery :)

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Old 15 Jul 2010, 06:03   #5
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Aye, but Ive heard so many stories over the years about Meat's concerts having a healing effect or an emotional connection with the audience when your there....thats what I wanted to experience, ya know?
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Old 15 Jul 2010, 08:18   #6
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Really sorry to hear that news AJ. I hope your treatment works and you make a full recovery and that you get to see Meat some time in the future.

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Old 15 Jul 2010, 10:46   #7
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sorry to hear that. wishing you a full recovery
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Old 15 Jul 2010, 12:59   #8
Couch Potato
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I am really sorry about this, this is awful news, and I wish you all the best and a speedy recovery.

The C word is a disease that we all need to come together and raise money towards research and do the best we can to help those who are suffering with it.

Im sure I speak for everyone when I say we are all hear for you.
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Old 15 Jul 2010, 13:03   #9
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I am so very sorry to hear of your news.
Can't even begin to imagine what it must of been like to of recieved that heartbreaking news. My thoughts are with you at this time and I wish I could help in some way but sadly cannot.
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Old 15 Jul 2010, 13:47   #10
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These are bad news. I wish you all the best for your treatment and much power to fight against the cancer.
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Old 15 Jul 2010, 15:27   #11
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I am truly very sad to hear of your diagnosis. I pray that you will do well and have a speedy recovery. I wish I had the money to buy you another ticket but I am drowning in debt myself. But reading about problems like yours makes me know how fortunate I am to have good health. Puts it all in perspective. God bless you my friend.
If a bunch of us throw in a few bucks apiece could we raise enough to buy the ticket back? I will chip in toward it.

Last edited by loaferman61; 15 Jul 2010 at 15:32.
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Old 15 Jul 2010, 15:57   #12
The Monster Is Luce
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Horrid diagnosis but your heart and soul must now go into raising the money for treatment and fighting the disease. Selling such precious collectables and missing the should must be tough, but a small price to pay for life. Perhaps you could set up a Just Giving website to raise funds, set up sponsored walks and other events to allow people to donate whatever they can towards treatment?
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Old 15 Jul 2010, 16:01   #13
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Originally Posted by loaferman61 View Post
If a bunch of us throw in a few bucks apiece could we raise enough to buy the ticket back? I will chip in toward it.
I'm in.
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Old 15 Jul 2010, 16:16   #14
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That is horrific news and going to see Meat Loaf would have done you the world of good, that is so sad. I feel very sorry for you right now.
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Old 15 Jul 2010, 16:26   #15
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I notice that AJ said the ticket was given away, so I don't know if he (or she) is able to attend. The Just Giving site sounds like a good idea. Whatever can be done, I don't have a lot (unless you count bills) but I am very happy to contribute what I can to help out.
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Old 15 Jul 2010, 16:32   #16
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Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
I'm in.
Me too, let me know how I can chuck in some dosh from overseas.

AJ I am truely sorry to hear, fight fight fight mate, All the best
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Old 15 Jul 2010, 16:44   #17
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I'm so saddened by this diagnosis AJ. Please keep us posted, friend, and any programs that start up for you.

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Old 15 Jul 2010, 17:19   #18
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My heart goes out to you and anyone else likr you .I wish you a bright look and strenght in times to come
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Old 15 Jul 2010, 18:09   #19
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Cheers guys. And by "given away" I meant "sold" ...sorry. Was kind of in a bad mood and the right words failed me. Thank you all so much for your support, and that would be lovely. I would appreciate that like you wouldn't believe.

Actually...I would like to extend a huge thank you to Meat....

Meat, throughout the years your music has inspired me to do many things, including start my own Meat Loaf tribute act as homage to you here in the states. Your music has got me through many bad times, and good times...I still blast out a few tunes now and again with what power I have left in my lungs and voice, trying to sound like you

I've laughed and cried with you, I've stood by you over the years, just as you have stood by us...always working for us, the fans. You want perfection...well Meat, you ARE perfect to us. You don't need to be anymore perfect. Your legacy speaks for itself. ~~~~ the haters and the naysayers. You've been doing this for over 40 years. You're a legend a rock god, and my inspiration, my idol. My friends think I'm nuts for loving you this much, a man that I have never and sadly probably will never meet in person....But you bring out the best in me, you give me reason to hope when I'm down...Just like now.

I hope that this tour brings you renewed success, and that all who get to see it love it as I know I would have. You have been such a blessing...and to still be able to do what you do at 62 is phenomenal and nothing short of a miracle. Someone up there likes you, and knows that you have more to give to us.

Meat, don't you ever...EVER stop rockin'!

Anthony Jon Hanson
Mankato, mn
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Old 15 Jul 2010, 18:43   #20
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Originally Posted by meat_loaf2008 View Post
Cheers guys. And by "given away" I meant "sold" ...sorry. Was kind of in a bad mood and the right words failed me. Thank you all so much for your support, and that would be lovely. I would appreciate that like you wouldn't believe.

Anthony Jon Hanson
Mankato, mn
Just let us know what we can do to help and take care of yourself.
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Old 15 Jul 2010, 18:49   #21
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Originally Posted by loaferman61 View Post
Just let us know what we can do to help and take care of yourself.
only thing I can think of is take up a collection of some sort, purchase a new one from the kewadin website (as that is the only place you can do it).

Again, thank you so much have no idea what this means
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Old 15 Jul 2010, 19:00   #22
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I looked on the site and if I'm reading it right the concert is the 24th and tickets are $50. I don't get paid again until the 23rd, but I could stuff a ten spot in an envelope today if 4 more will go in with me.
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Old 15 Jul 2010, 20:44   #23
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Originally Posted by loaferman61 View Post
I looked on the site and if I'm reading it right the concert is the 24th and tickets are $50. I don't get paid again until the 23rd, but I could stuff a ten spot in an envelope today if 4 more will go in with me.
Count me in ... I'd be happy to help.
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Old 15 Jul 2010, 20:59   #24
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wow..thats 3. thank you guys so much. cant help but tear up over here...somethin i dont do often
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Old 15 Jul 2010, 21:03   #25
A Slice Of English
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This is indeed horrible news and I sympathise with you utterly. My signficant other has survived two bouts of ovarian cancer and I know how deadly that disease can be so you have my sympathies.

You will forgive me, I hope, when I say that I would not contribute to any fund in this case. I am not saying I doubt what you are saying, but I have always been wary of contributing monetarily to something I have not personally borne witness to, particularly over the internet. There are many scams of this nature that seek to capitalise on peoples good nature and thus I have always made it a rule that I would not contribute myself. Again, I hope you don't take that personally as I wish you the very best of luck in the future with this.
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