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Old 20 Oct 2003, 13:23   #1
Fire Ball
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Default Half Hearted

It seem that at my show " my preformance is only half hearted ", all these years that I've said and some of have said " I give everything" has just been a Lie. That's right a lie. I'm starting Sat. with another" half hearted tour" where I don't care about my fans. MY SET LIST DOES NOT CHANGE ENOUGH and "that sucks" which means I "don't care about my fans" oh God here I am writting this post when I should be out learning new songs and working on my show... so just shoot me in the head ,I should be out working on my show.
You see there is an artist who does 4 shows in a month and he changes the order evernight and plays 3 or 4 didfferent songs a night. and he will do 23 to 25 songs a night. show runs 3:30 hours and I admit I am a fan and went to a couple of shows, the key here is 4 or 5 shows a month, I do 16 to 18 a month if I did 4 or 5 a month I would be perfect everynight and could do 22 to 25 songs. Lets take this tour, where at one point I'm doing 7 shows in ten days, do you know how scared I am
. That's funny, I wouldn't be if I didn't care and my thoughts were only half hearted. People here can write they don't like the album... I might write them to back and say take another listen, they argue with me here because Bat II was not all that great to me.if you didn't like a show that's fine, write and say his voice sucked last night, well it probally did.. you want to here perfect vocals go to 85% of the concerts where they are on tape.
The artist we have been talking about is more of a grass roots artist and I own all his CD's so I ilike him. I am from Theater , shows on the westend and broadway I believe they play the same songs every nite? Don't They? Any way my show is about transitions getting form one emotional place to another, it's emotionally driv'in, it's about what's happening on stage and no where else.
I came from the Theater this is how I think, did not come from the bar world,but the bottom line is that.... all I care about is the show... it's all I think about 24 hours a day most days. I study my craft and how to improve it... changing songs does not improve it for me( it moves If it can help the play) there thats I how I look at my show, as a play!!! in fact this last summer I came off the stage in tears about 7 times because I thought I let the fans down. not because I didn't change the set. For it to be said that mY performance is half hearted and I don't care about my fans because my set list doesn't changeis BS.
I don't think changing the set makes it a better show or does it mean if I do change that I love my Fans more, I go on that stage every night I give everything I have to give" I promise" I have nothing more, nothing let to give you when that show is over. THis Half hearted thing is someone misconception of what a show should be, they have been great shows on the Westend, arwards won, money made, people leaving happy, in some cases for as long as 10 years 8 shows a week, and they haven't changed there set list yet.; Don't put me down because I don't do what other artist do, just go see them and enjoy what they give you, if you chose to come to my show try and enjoy what that is. what I give you ,not pissed off because your not getting something else. I try to be happy with what I have not what I don't have. What makes the world go round some people like red some blue so if you like red don't tell the blue your pissed off and his work must be Half hearted because he doesn't like red.

Love you all
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Old 20 Oct 2003, 13:41   #2
Super Loafer
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Oh man any talk of your shows and I start fidgiting here in my seat.

Feb 28th!! Can't come soon enough.

(Is it just me who gets the itch to love Meat Loaf more everytime they read something about him in a negative light?? Water off our backs, man All the more Meat for us).

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Old 20 Oct 2003, 14:09   #3
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I've been to 3 shows so far, 94, 96 and 99, they just got better each time. I'm so convinced of this that I'm travelling to Germany soon and then to Birmingham.

For me, you started in 94 with 110% and are somewhere near 200% now. And I'm not just talking voice, or appearance, or set list, or effects, I'm talking about performance. The whole thing. The thing Meat Loaf does better than any other artist. It's real, its raw, its powerful, its emotional, its fun and its worth travelling across Europe for.

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Old 20 Oct 2003, 14:10   #4
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We understand please don't worry you must do what feels right for you, to be part of spmething is wonderful and true fans know what I mean

take care

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Old 20 Oct 2003, 14:14   #5
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I will go on each German Meat Loaf Concert, and I know that in every Show the setlist will be the same. BUT...its okay, because he will play the coolest songs on earth and I KNOW that all 8 Shows will be different, although he plays the same songs...

Keep Rockin'
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Old 20 Oct 2003, 14:22   #6
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Where has this half hearted c..p come from anyway....?

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Old 20 Oct 2003, 14:50   #7
Mega Loafer
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I don't know how anyone can actually say half hearted? People can criticise a performance, they can say what they want about it, but one things for sure, good or not, meat will have givin it his all.
It looks as if Meat has a busy schedule coming, especially in UK, he has several shows in a week, promo to do, travelling and for someone to not care about fans, doing M+G's im sure is the last thing he needs before a show
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Old 20 Oct 2003, 15:20   #8
The Bat
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What prompted the "Half-Hearted" post? who says your performance is only half-hearted??
It's not a description i would ever use to describe a performance by you,you give it everything you've got

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Old 20 Oct 2003, 15:30   #9
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I'm sorry any who loses as much fluid during a performance can call it half hearted almost heart attack if he does not slow down and take care

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Old 20 Oct 2003, 16:00   #10
Join Date: 08.05.2003
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"half hearted"
What rubbish !!!!
Whoever said that is just plain stupid !!!
We know you give it your all, anyone who has ever been to one of your concerts knows it !!!
Enjoy your tour, enjoy every performance!!!!!
Thank you for your wonderful music, and giving so much of yourself.

See you in Melbourne !!!

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Old 20 Oct 2003, 16:03   #11
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Chill, Fire Ball and just do your thing. You'll be fine
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Old 20 Oct 2003, 16:14   #12
Mega Loafer
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Please don't let the trolls get you down! I know that the vast majority of the people on this board and (perhaps more importantly) of your fans in general know that you put all you have in you (perhaps too much for your well being, at times) into each performance. I have seen you in concert more than once when I have actually feared that you were going to harm yourself due to the effort that you were putting into the concert. As for those who say "half-hearted", scr*w 'em, they have no basis for their words apart from just plain malice. On the other hand, please understand that we all care about you very much and I must stress to you that you must take care of yourself. Long term, your health is much more imporant than playing 7 dates in 10 days. While it's true that I would be sorely disappointed if a show that I were to attend was cancelled or shortened, your health over the coming years is more important. Please know that many of us here care about you very much, you don't need to worry about disappointing us- we go to your concerts for the total effect that is "Meat Loaf", not every tiny technical aspect or counting each minute of the set. Please take care of yourself as you undertake this European tour. (Hopefully the Yankees can have things safely in hand before you go overseas! )

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Old 20 Oct 2003, 16:23   #13
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Don't worry, you are our hero!

I (and we all here) know that you give 150 % to the audience in each concert. I have seen 65 ML concerts around the last 10 years and around the world and falling in love in every performance!!!!

Please don't angry about the peoples they say nonsense!

Love you

Only five days... :P
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Old 20 Oct 2003, 17:06   #14
Join Date: 03.10.2003
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Hi Meat

Well I do not know where this "Half-Hearted" crap has come from but, well whoever said it has not seen one of ur shows. I have been lucky to see you 5 times over the years here in Australia, and the last 2 tours it was 2 shows for each and I loved each show more then the last one. Meat, you gave 200% of yourself at each show and I'm sure that will not charge when you comes back to Australia next year. Now I'm lucky and I will be going to see you 2 shows again this tour, Sydney and Newcastle and if the songs are the same at both show it's fine with me, along as I get to see you again before you stop touring you could sing any songs you likes as I love just about every one of them anyway.

Now I can not see in anyway how anyone that is a fan of Meat loaf could ever say that Meat does not care about his fans. Meat does more for his fans then any other artist I can think of, and well Meat does not just do it to sell CD's or tickets to conects etc Meat does it as he is a true artist and wants to be the best he can be for his fans. And well the wy I see it, Meat does not care if you have been a fan for 25years like me or a fan for 25 minutes, Meat just sees a fan. Now I maybe wrong but well as i said thats the way I see it.

Meat I hope you know that your true fans know you give so much of yourself on stage or when you do CD's etc that we could never think you don't care. Hey Meat look if you tell me who this person (I could call them samethink else but I will not ) I will go around and break his
bl**dy legs

Meat try not to let afew peolpe that are not true fans get you upset ok, just keep in mind that we all love you okay, plus please look after yourself as we maybe your fans but we would not like to see you hurt in anyway just to give as your great shows okay.

Ian (mladay)
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Old 20 Oct 2003, 17:08   #15
Rampant Loafer...
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Take no notice of this half-harted f**king bullshit. We, your true fans know just how much you put into your show EVERY time you perform.

We love ya, Meat
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Old 20 Oct 2003, 17:41   #16
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half hearted my b*m!

true fans know better
if i could visit every one of the uk shows i would....and would be happy to see the same set list

we know you give more than 100%
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Old 20 Oct 2003, 17:51   #17
Livin' La Vida Loafa!
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Meat! How exciting to see you post here - yet very sad to realize that you were posting to "justify" yourself and your performance to some "fairweather fans".

I am certain that I am not the only one on this board that feels that you, IN NO WAY, need to validate or explain yourself to any of us. We are YOUR fans....I have been a fan for the better part of 35 years. I am a huge "live show" fan and have seen numerous acts - big and small- all around the country. You name it...from the big names like KISS, Bruce Springsteen, Cher, Neil Diamond, Madonna to small club-hoppers and local bands like Cowboy Mouth, Sister Hazel or Hootie and the Blowfish - I have seen them all and I am sure that I echo the sentiments of a LOT of your fans when I say that not a one of those acts can hold a candle to you! Sure, Cher looks good in a dress (I've never seen YOU in a dress so that's not a fair comparison I guess ) and Paul Stanley still looks good can still jump and dance in platform boots...but neither of them can sing a song and manage to bring it to life with the conviction that you can. I have NEVER seen an artist that has been able to do what you do when you sing.....I can't even put it into words here. (call me...we can discuss in detail if you like)

I saw you at Wolf Trap (Virginia) back in September.....did you hit every note EXACTLY like it was on your albums - NO. But that's the beauty of a LIVE were live and human and it was obvious that you were having a good time with us giving it everything you had. That's what I paid for and I felt like I got my money's worth and then some. The performance was top-notch. If it were "perfect" I could have stayed at home, listened to the cd and saved myself a 5 hour drive and a lot of cash!

Keep doing what you are doing! I love you...we all love your music and will continue to be avid (perhaps rabid is a better term) supporters in whatever you take on next! Never stop Meat.....I promise I won't?

Anyone else?
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Old 20 Oct 2003, 17:55   #18
Bald Mega Loafer
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I never ever stop rocking to the beat of Meat.
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Old 20 Oct 2003, 18:16   #19
Mega Loafer
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Ignore the twonks Meat .. they're not worth spit.

Your shows were selling out here as soon as tickets came on sale .. that tells you what all but a few think. Personally I think it beggars belief that people go out of their way to post whinges and moans .. I'm attending 6 concerts .. attended 7 last year. The set lists tend to be the same .. that's what performers DO on tour for heaven's sake. The vast majority of people won't attend more than one show. Those who do should know what to expect.

But to see one of your shows more than once is to see a different show each time .. why? Because you DO care .. because you ARE comitted to constantly improving .. because YOU'RE YOU!!!!

So the moaning minnies can take their whinging and tuck it safely away where the sun don't shine!!
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Old 20 Oct 2003, 18:58   #20
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I've been extremely fortunate to see you in concert very many times over the years. What I have never seen is a half-hearted performance from you. You always give everything you've got and then some. Your shows are an event - unique and spectacular - and I never cease to be blown away and amazed by the music and the performance.

I can't believe anyone would say you don't care about your fans. You come on our forums and bring us first hand news about your albums and singles. You let us be the first to know the track listing for "CHSIB", give us news about the tour and even told us yourself about the M&Gs. You're always polite and patient with your fans and don't adopt the rock star "ego". If all that isn't caring about your fans, well I certainly don't have a clue what is!

I will be seeing you again this time round on multiple occasions in Germany and the UK and I absolutely can't wait!

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Old 20 Oct 2003, 19:02   #21
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Hey Meat, i saw 5 Concerts of you from 1994 - 1996 and they were all great !!!! (i had no time for the others in years after that )
And there was this great Promo Concert in Amsterdam this year.

Maybe your voice was not so good at one of them but who cares ?
You said it at the best, if would only do 4 or 5 Shows in a month, you could sing more Songs and longer.
But at every Show my emtions were complete crazy, you sing every Song that it goes direct in my heart.

So, if we would not like your work we sure wont follow you !!!!
But we love it, so we do it !

Never ever stop Rockinī

looking forward to the german tour start in 5 days !!!!!!
then i see the next 3 Shows there, and they will go in my heart again, no matter which songs you perform !
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Old 20 Oct 2003, 19:13   #22
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I appreciate you opening up like this, but frankly, whomever said that your performance is 'half hearted' is so full of shit they're chocking!!!!!!! (I am sorry for using that language) you and I both know that that is a load of crap. In so far as you apologizing for having health problems, you can't PHYSICALLY be at 100% all the time- you're an artist- your integrity, heart and intensity are ALWAYS at 100%

I saw your show in Syracuse, NY, and it was one of the best SHOWS I've ever seen (not just of your shows, but of ALL the concerts I've been to). My boyfriend (he's a jazz musician) HATES Rock music, and HE said it was one of the best shows he's ever seen in his LIFE- and he, honestly, HATES rock music. His exact quote was "watching this man on stage shows me how much HARDER I can work"

I hope you aren't offended by my long response to your post. I know you are a very busy man these days, and I know I'm JUST one fan of many, but I want you to know a few things:

1) You ALWAYS give 100%, you inspire others to do the same.

2) Your peers (I am referring to other performers) could learn a thing or two about INTEGRITY by watching ANY one of your shows.

3) I consider your music to be a great blessing in my life. We are strangers to one another, but you have made a difference to me- just by doing what you do best- creating phenomenal music.

I am sorry for going on- your post really broke my heart, these people don't know music from a horse's ass. You have more talent, integrity and passion than the whole damn music business. Your songs, have been some of the best ever sang- and I am priviledged to have heard them.

that's as honest as I can be.
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Old 20 Oct 2003, 19:36   #23
Mega Loafer
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Half Hearted my a**. I cannot believe that someone would even suggest that. I am totally dumbfounded .
We know that you give 110% and that is all that matters.
You are still my hero

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Old 20 Oct 2003, 19:39   #24
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Does anyone know where Meat got this half hearted twaddle from I've been searching but can't pinpoint the exact phrase.

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Old 20 Oct 2003, 20:16   #25
Renegade Angel
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I really can't believe that anyone has actually said this half-hearted comment on here, maybe it was on another site or maybe it was printed in an article somewhere, but whoever DID say it needs their head tested cos every gig I've ever been to, I have always seen Meat work his little socks off, same when I've seen TV footage or heard Live albums - The man has even got a reputation for being the 'Hardest Working Showman' in the business.

MEAT - I can understand that any comment you have heard or seen may be upsetting when you go out of your way to give your all in shows but im sure I speak for most on here that us, as your TRUE FANS are and always will be behind you all the way and we all understand how much effort goes into one of your shows.
The set lists are fine, so stop worrying about what anyone thinks, any discussion about what songs people would like you to perform are just dream set lists for our own personal tastes but we are happy with whatever you decide to perform on the night.

The only thing that upsets me about this tour is that it will be your last and I'll never be able to take my own kids to witness the true Live experience of one of your shows.

Please don't feel that you have to defend every negative comment that floats around the internet about your shows - we know how hard you and the band work and some idiot saying otherwise should know better than to pick a fight with you and US!!!!

Keep Rockin'
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