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Old 12 Oct 2003, 20:59   #51
Mega Loafer
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There are so many different conditions which can affect the vocal chords, from nodules, which are benign growths on the chords caused by repeated strain on the chords, to polyps and ulcers. Nodules are small and callous-like and usually grow in pairs (one on each chord), usually forming on areas of the vocal chords that receive the most pressure when the chords come together and vibrate (similar to the formation of a callous). None of these normally occur as the result of a single event, but are due to repeated/continued strain on the chords. All are frequent problems for professional singers

Then there's VCD, (vocal chord dysfunction, in which the sufferer experiences a "closing" of the throat, and restricted airway), often linked to asthma, for which ozyegen and lidocaine sprays may be used as treatment.

However, Meat referred to "fungus" in his post. You don't pick up a fungal infection from visiting a race track, nor from cheering, shouting or singing. There is a fungal infection, Coccidomycosis, which is endemic in California's Central valley. It can settle into the larynx and infect the joints that open and close the vocal chords - the arytenoids. So, while there is no paralysis, the affected chords are fixated and do not move very far from the midline.

Used to be a physio, and suffer occasionally from VCD myself :)
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Old 12 Oct 2003, 21:13   #52
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CarylB I couldn't have said it better myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Old 12 Oct 2003, 21:26   #53
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Originally Posted by ROSIE
CarylB I couldn't have said it better myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Absolutely right Rosie
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Old 12 Oct 2003, 22:54   #54
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Hi, guys! Sherrie, yes, he was referring to the visit to the racetracek in Northern California the day before he was to sing in Lancaster. My hubby and I have thought and thought about what he meant by 'burning his throat'--it's an odd expression, isn't it? But he was yelling quite a lot in the excitement at the track, plus all the dust and the fuel (since he was in the pit area)...So, I guess a lot of things could have happened.

Caryl, you are absolutely right about people with asthma having to be careful about taking too much medication and steroids. I have the problem, myself, and am always a bit worried when I have to take a lot of the medications for a period of time to get the asthma back into control.

And I did see Meat during the 4 concerts right before all this happened use his inhaler at least once at each of the concerts, as well at the second Mexican show--where it wasn't readily available and he had to signal for it. (Some of the California shows, as well as the Mexican ones also had to be a problem for him because of the high altitude in places--it certainly doesn't help the breathing problems--found that out, myself, many times in Reno!!) So the continuation of Meat's throat problems--from the racetrack on--indeed, might be medication-induced, in part!

You know, Caryl, I had never heard about our Central Valley in California having a big problem with this kind of fungal infection. It is a very hot and dry area--with a lot of farmlands. So that was quite interesting for me to read. Meat was in Northern California when all this happened to him, but I moved a year and a half ago to an area very near the Central Valley, so I guess, perhaps, it's one more thing for me to be aware of and watch out for!! I thank you for that info, as well as the rest of the explanation!! :P

It also just occurred to me that the initial injury, whatever it was, at the racetrack may have left his throat more vulnerable and susceptible to infection from many different sources, so the entire issue may be much more complex than we realize.

So whatever is going on with Meat, let's just hope it, and he, are on the mend!! He's got SO many concerts in his very near future!!! And we can tell, by how he wrote that last message, he does not want to ever disappoint his fans (as if true fans ever would be!!)

Love to all on this beautiful Sunday afternoon!
And stay well!!
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Old 13 Oct 2003, 00:51   #55
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Thank you MB for sharing that song again. It was a beautiful way to make my day brighter and thank you Ian for sharing those pictures, they were great.
Hopefully Meat's throat injury isn't more severe and complex than we think it is. I would hate to see him injure himself more keeping up with all those concerts just to please us, his fans.

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Old 13 Oct 2003, 00:54   #56
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MB wrote:
Caryl, you are absolutely right about people with asthma having to be careful about taking too much medication and steroids.
Actually, I didn't say that :) If I were to say anything about overuse of medication and steroids, I would say ANY and EVERYone should beware of overuse of these.

quite interesting for me to read Meat was in Northern California when all this happened to him
My understanding is that Coccidomycosis is endemic in, not to Central California, so is not restricted to that area, just prevalent. And I mentioned it only as an example. Professional singers are prone to fungal attacks on their vocal chords, and singing his heart out at concerts is as likely to be the pre-conditioner as anything imo. I certainly wouldn't want to suggest that Meat had in any way brought it on himself by visiting the race track to promote CHSIB
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Old 13 Oct 2003, 05:15   #57
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Originally Posted by CarylB
I certainly wouldn't want to suggest that Meat had in any way brought it on himself by visiting the race track to promote CHSIB
Of course, not, Caryl! No one wants to suggest that!! Meat's injury according to his PM was that it happened while he was at the racetrack, not because he was there!

But the important thing now, for us all, is to hope and pray that he's doing better every day!!!

You are very welcome, Maria!! Glad you enjoyed the song!! I love sharing things like this with everyone!!

I've gotten some messages from people saying they were unable to come to Meat's birthday party and they wanted to hear the original live version of the song. So, here is a link to that one.

Enjoy, friends!! It's a great way to kick off the week!!

And take care!

Love to all,
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Old 13 Oct 2003, 10:49   #58
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Hi All

Thanks MB so much for the info and the link to Fire Ball's topic. I have a lot better idea what Meat and all of you guys are talking about now.

Happy that all you guys (MB, sherrie87 and shadow1000001) and maybe others too liked the photos. Meat does look good in them and it does look like Meat is just relaxing and have a good time meeting his fans.

Ian (mladay)
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Old 13 Oct 2003, 11:51   #59
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Hi, Ian! You've very welcome. I'm glad it helped!

And I'm sure a number of people here are continuing to enjoy the photos from the link you shared!!

I just saw on another thread that you have gotten your tickets for Meat's shows! Congratulations! And I know you're going to have an amazing time!!!

Take good care.

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Old 13 Oct 2003, 15:19   #60
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Originally Posted by MBrevard
Hi, Ian! You've very welcome. I'm glad it helped!

And I'm sure a number of people here are continuing to enjoy the photos from the link you shared!!

I just saw on another thread that you have gotten your tickets for Meat's shows! Congratulations! And I know you're going to have an amazing time!!!

Take good care.

Hey MB

Yes it is going to be amazing and I will get to see Meat with the MSO at the Sydney show.

Ian (mladay)
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Old 13 Oct 2003, 17:39   #61
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Oh, MB, thank you for the 1978 FCOL - I just listened to it and I am so blown away I can hardly talk. type. whatever. There's something about a live performance, isn't there? And this is a REALLY good one. It's being a little rough around the edges makes it more real. Is this from a CD or video that's commercially available? I'm sure it would be out of print, but what is it from? Oh, wow.

Thanks also to everyone giving information about Meat's throat - I didn't understand about that, now I at least have an idea. I hope he's OK.

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Old 13 Oct 2003, 21:25   #62
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Originally Posted by mladay
Originally Posted by MBrevard
Hi, Ian! You've very welcome. I'm glad it helped!

And I'm sure a number of people here are continuing to enjoy the photos from the link you shared!!

I just saw on another thread that you have gotten your tickets for Meat's shows! Congratulations! And I know you're going to have an amazing time!!!

Take good care.

Hey MB

Yes it is going to be amazing and I will get to see Meat with the MSO at the Sydney show.

Ian (mladay)
Yes Ian, I enjoyed the pictures, thank you for the link!
Very good to know you got tickets for the Sydney-show!

MB, like Kathy I enjoyed listening to FCOL Very Much
I must have missed this one at the Birthday-party, glad I got a second change!



Kathy, I just love your avatar
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Old 14 Oct 2003, 06:56   #63
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Ian, how wonderful! You're going to see one of the shows with the symphony!!! Now I REALLY am excited for you!! It's going to be a long 4 months, though, isn't it?!!!

What are your venues like, by the way? How many people can they hold? Are they totally seated or is there room for some standing areas?? Just curious about the kind of crowds Meat will have there.

Hi, Mariella and Kathy! Glad you got to hear the live FCOL from '78, finally.

Kathy, this one was taken from a radio show broadcast in 1978, so, no, there are no official recordings of the entire concert that I know of. Since Meat released only a limited amount of live material on albums or videos through the years, many of the live versions of the songs out here are either taped from TV or radio or audience recordings. That makes me sad, because to me, it's so amazing to be able to go, for example, all the way back to the beginnings--1978--with Meat and Karla and Jim--and hear what the songs orginally sounded like performed before an audience!! So these early recordings are truly treasures!!

Glad y'all enjoyed this one.

Take good care.

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Old 15 Oct 2003, 08:25   #64
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Yes 4/5 long months.

Now you asked about the venues Mb. well Newcastle Ent Centre hold just under 6,200 peolpe and it is seated, they always say no standing but the last 2 show with Meat he asked the peolpe down the front to stand and dance if they wanted too and well they did lol.

Now Syndey Ent Centre holds about 12,500 and again it's seated and well as the same as Newcastle, Meat asked the people down the front to stand and dance etc if they wanted too.

Well MB the crowds are going to be great as they are always at a Meat show lol.

Like at the last show I saw of Meat in Sydney, i was seated next to a lady that had not see Meat live before. She was not sure she would like the show, but she was singing alone with me and the rest as the show went on lol. Then at the end of the show I asked her what did she think. She said she loved and well she said it was the best show she had seen and would see Meat again.

I think that is like most peolpe that maybe go to a show like Meat's and well is just not sure if they are going to like it or not. But well the show Meat's puts on is just so great that after you see it you just know he puts so much of himself into the show and it is just pure enterainment that they love it at the end also. just like the rest of us that have seen meat over the years.

Well I'm going on abit hey anyway, i hope that is the info you wanted to know MB.

Ian (mladay)
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Old 16 Oct 2003, 09:15   #65
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Hi, Ian! Thanks for the information. Yes, that's what I was curious about. I had no idea the size of the venues there and what they are like.

Here, in my part of the country, the venues that Meat got to were fairly small, compared to yours. The largest of them that we went to, I believe, held about 5000 people. I'd like to go to one with thousands and thousands of screaming fans--just once!!

I know what you mean about new people coming to Meat's concerts and not being sure about how they'll feel and then they enjoy themselves and love the show.

Last year, during the Friends tour, at the second California ML concert we went to, we sat next to a very nice couple and got to talking with them. They were constantly going to concerts--seeing all sorts of people. But they had never seen Meat perform live before, and actually, didn't know much about him or the band. So, I shared what I could about everyone and then the concert got started. And I sort of watched them, at the same time I was, of course, watching the show. And within a few minutes, they were both jumping around and screaming and yelling and having a great time. They even managed to catch one of Meat's picks!!

When the concert was over with, I asked them what they thought, and the wife said to me, "This was the BEST concert we have EVER seen and we will never miss a Meat Loaf concert again!!!" Made me smile!!

So, you're right, Ian. Meat and the band do such a fantastic job that 'newbies' and 'oldies' alike walk out of there knowing they've just seen an amazing show and can't wait to do it again!!!

I know that I'VE always felt that way! I'm sure you have, too, and you certainly have some great shows also in your future, Ian!!

Thanks again for the information! Take good care.

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