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Old 20 Mar 2017, 18:22   #126
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Thanks so much for this, makes us want to continue and do more.....the picking on Tyce's voice seems totally unnessesary to me (and the same with Meats voice for that matter) Tyce is only 24 years old choosing to sing some of the greatest and hardest songs ever written, ML will surely agree with that!!!!!and most in the original key Jim wrote in also!!, its his first album and to take on these epics was and is a monumental task!!!! Type is NOT Meat and Meat is NOT Tyce, Tyce is NOT trying to be Meat!!!
i said this in the begging and you "PanicLord" nailed it below......we did did try to keep it modern and we did put our own stamp on it, and this was designed for a younger crowd, and it is an attempt to introduce Jim's music to a new generation.......crazy as it sounds but i have had numerous questions from Men and Women who are in their early 20s asking "who wrote these songs".....remember a 24 year old man/woman will barely know Bat 2, never mind Bat 1 and Dead Ringer!! mission accomplished....

I was there at 54 Below when Tyce sang "For Crying Out Loud" directly to Jim in the audience..... Who has the balls to sing one of the greatest songs ever written directly to the man who wrote it, not even 10 ft away, and to pull it off like he did!!!! and bring tears of joy to Jim's face!!! it was not perfect, but then again its not meant to be perfect either, just like Hero, it was the raw emotion and the meaning behind the words that brought the venue to a standstill......its NOT all about the voice, in fact we may have had some better vocal takes on some of the album but catching the emotion is way more important than anything in Jim's music!!!! fyi the bonus CD was all ONE take One Evening when Tyce and Zak were fooling around behind a grand piano, we just let it roll and did not edit at all!!!! RAW!

KEEP BUYING music, keep sharing and pushing new artists and classic artists like Meat etc etc.....after all, have you heard the state of the current music out now!! deplorable if your picking on Tyce's voice, or any others remember the consequencies years down the road when they simply won't be ANY good music....

"Keep on Rocking" is Meat favorite quote.......not picking....but Rocking!!


Originally Posted by PanicLord View Post
I have to say I really like this album and it grows oon me every time I listen. To my ears they set out to make modern rock versions of the songs and I think they did precisely that. I sympathise with the comment about Mariah Carey style vocals and hate it when things get unnecessarily twiddly. However I didn't find Tyce went over the top in that regard. In fact I think he knocks the vocals out of the park while also putting his own stamp on the songs, as does the production. In terms of the track Braver... well let's just say the bits I thought would work much better in the high male register work brilliantly well in the high male register.

All in all it's refreshing to have so much new or re imagined Jim content coming out and I really hope that all of the publicity adds up to lots of new young fans to keep Jim's legacy alive.

Thanks Nick, Tyce, and the team! I hope it's a massive success and opens the possibility of more in the future.
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Old 20 Mar 2017, 20:29   #127
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Oh come off it, it's not like they're knocking you just because they didn't like some minor details of the album. People will either like it or not like it as they please, and no amount of (admittedly heartfelt) defense is going to change people's minds. Stop trying to defend every decision like a bloody shrinking violet every time someone says something that could be construed as less than complimentary, and let it speak for itself, wouldja please? Christ, some people are so sensitive...
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Old 20 Mar 2017, 23:44   #128
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Originally Posted by mindnick1 View Post
Thanks so much for this, makes us want to continue and do more.....the picking on Tyce's voice seems totally unnessesary to me

"Keep on Rocking" is Meat favorite quote.......not picking....but Rocking!!

You have to allow some people to not like his voice .. to me to just feels reedy and thready after Meat, and there is nothing of the passion Meat conveys, which is why I have refrained from comment until now. That it does absolutely nothing for me does not mean it is without merit or value .. just that I have for decades heard someone extraordinary deliver the songs in an extraordinary way. I don't expect that to be matched, and it is so far from that I find it holds no appeal. That Jim loves it, sobs over it, has nothing to do with how Meat fans may respond.

Meat and his vocals are often criticised mercilessly on this forum which is one dedicated to HIM, so surely it's predictable Tyce's album will receive some criticism here. And all those who have been "picking" have bothered to listen to it in order to offer criticism, which in itself has been relatively gentle imo.
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Old 21 Mar 2017, 11:42   #129
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Originally Posted by mindnick1 View Post
after all, have you heard the state of the current music out now!! deplorable if your picking on Tyce's voice, or any others remember the consequencies years down the road when they simply won't be ANY good music....
I get the feelings and the sentiment behind this, really I do because I love different versions of Jim's songs. But - and this is the crux for me after hearing the album - there will always be good music and it will always for me be called Bat Out Of Hell, Bat 2 etc etc. Those albums to me won't be bettered and also won't go anywhere no matter how much modern drivel comes out. There will ALWAYS be good music because there HAS been good music. IF we stop listening to those OLD recordings, that's when it will die. There are some modern gems to, but for the rest of my life nothing is going to suddenly stop me listening to those old songs.

Jim's songs, and although I would love to think that somewhere in his private collections are untold hours of lost demos and all those tracks he named that would have been on Bat 3 if things had gone right, Jim isn't Springsteen when it comes to prolific writing - he and Meat didn't go through twenty unnecessary songs in each recording session which could then be stored away to be released later. Jim wrote what was needed for each album and that was pretty much it - anything else had another home to go to, but in the grand scheme I believe that is now it.

So, in the main, Jim's work is now historical and they are the versions that will live on - the same way no one says "Hey we need to keep Beethoven's music alive, let's get Miley Cyrus to do an album of it". The work of classic composers hasn't died out yet and they have been around a lot longer than these songs. They are passed from generation to generation as they are, they don't necessarily need to new versions. I listened to Meat from 5 years old because of my dad, my two kids listen to it because of me, in twenty years time their kids could be listening to it because of them.

That's the way music stays alive, you keep playing it. If you keep creating newer and newer versions, somewhere down the line those finding it won't be bothered to look back 60, 70 80 years to see where it came from or what else that guy wrote, they will just hear the new versions and never experience the originals as they were intended to be heard by the one person who knows better than anyone how they should sound. The same way people will look at the spectacle of Peter Jackson's King Kong with all it's modern tech, and many will never know the existence of a little 1933 move with some of the most technologically advanced stop motion animation of it's time.

There's always something magic, there's always something new...but there's just as much magic to be found in the old and sometimes you really can't beat it. We could record new versions of Thriller, Jailhouse Rock, Stairway To Heaven, Let It Be, Bohemian Rhapsody...but there would always be one version that would outlast all the others. It's the same reason why 1984 Ghostbusters will always be Ghostbusters. Sometimes the magic is in the past and it lives on because that's what real magic does.
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Old 21 Mar 2017, 12:24   #130
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Originally Posted by mindnick1 View Post
KEEP BUYING music, keep sharing and pushing new artists and classic artists like Meat etc etc.....after all, have you heard the state of the current music out now!! deplorable if your picking on Tyce's voice, or any others remember the consequencies years down the road when they simply won't be ANY good music....
I think this is quite subjective about "won't be ANY good music". There is always good music being made somewhere, film music, indie artists, some popular artists etc. In fact it is much easier to make good sounding music at home now. Easier than it has ever been. And other channels are out there which people can explore and find good music. Just turn on spotify and see the countless of moods / playlists etc to have some idea what exactly is out there, eclectic tastes, instrumentals etc....

Like him or not, Ed Sheeran has 16 songs in the UK top 40. Quite an accomplishment to be that popular at a certain time and I believe he writes his own songs. He does this pretty much without gimmicks. Other people like Little Mix, others like Meat Loaf and others still like Tyce Green. But the latter two don't really fall into the popular, massive download buying audience anymore. I think that era is over, but who knows that type of music might come back into the charts. It depends on what the radio plays, what the youth buys and what works well on TV or at festivals I guess.

The choice in music is larger than it has ever been. I think with that should come an acceptance that in the vast number of cases your audience will be small, rather than saying "there is no good music out there." I think that is the easy way out to avoid that acceptance and it is not really true....
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Old 21 Mar 2017, 14:54   #131
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And in addition to the valid points these other posters have raised...

You're posting about this project in a forum devoted to Meat Loaf. Some people are exceptions and have made that known, but the vast majority of people on this forum are only interested in Meat singing Jim's stuff. 'Tis what it is.

Are you really that shocked and stunned by the reception this album received on this site? Might want to brush up on how to gauge your audience.

(Sad part is, I bet he'll zero in more on what I had to say than on what the other replies had to say, if he comes back to read it and responds. Quel dommage.)
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Old 21 Mar 2017, 15:05   #132
trying to be realistic
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Originally Posted by mindnick1 View Post
have you heard the state of the current music out now!! deplorable if your picking on Tyce's voice, or any others remember the consequencies years down the road when they simply won't be ANY good music....
Ohh damn. I really didn't want to put my opinion in here until i saw this. As if, re-releasing old (maybe even succesful) music, automatically means good music. The Tyce album actually shows the oposite.

I listened to the album. Twice. To put it blank, this is not a good album.

There are many issues I have with the album (not Meat Loaf compared or related)

First of, Tyce voice sounds forced. Maybe he was holding back, maybe he couldn't find the right way to sing the songs, maybe he wanted to achieve something different. Whatever the reason, his singing sounds unnantural and at times (most of them) is unpleasant to listen to.

Secondly, the breathing space is mentioned earlier. Especially a song like Total Eclipse sounds rushed. Listening to it, I was wondering if the singer was late for the last train home.

Thirdly, The screamfest that is All coming back to me now. I wonder what you guys were thinking. The song is unnecersarly loud and Tyce's voice is all over the place but it sounds as if it's never where it should be. (this was the case with more songs but especially with this track it is almost unbarebal to listen to)

Fourth, The loud thing seems an issue. It seems that the lack of being able to add emotion to the songs is covered with loud singing. The loudness doesn't add anything to the songs except for being loud. As with my first point, it doesnt help Tyce bringing the songs in a believable manner.

In fact, if I listen to Tyce (on this album) he sounds like an 'X-factor / Country Got Talent' competetor who sings poppy but tries to add emotion. It falls flat and fails in it's meaning. I never, in none of the songs, believed Tyce, which, listening to some of the lyrics, is kind of a problem.

Finally I think the production team didn't help the artist on this album.

All in all I was very dissapointed by the performance and production of this album. I got a digital copy for free and should have trust myself when I said "don't listen to it. Tyce is not your cup of tea." I just didn't expect it to be this bad.

I know it is a very harsh reply, but I don't think Tyce is the one to keep JS' legacy up. And I don't think it's a good thing for JS' music if this is the way his music is being portrayed for the next generation.

But that is just my opinion. I still wish Tyce all the luck in the World. I still don't think he is the artist for me, and I hope Tyce will put his focus on a different range, because Steinman is clearly not his strong point. And that also goes for the production team.
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Old 21 Mar 2017, 15:23   #133
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I gave it a couple of plays mostly out of curiosity. I may as well throw in a few opinions as well.

Totally pedestrian. No passion at all. OK singer but nothing special. He over sings a lot.

He doesn't have an ounce of the feeling that Meat Loaf or even Bonnie Tyler would inject into the songs.

I compared the line "you turned her into a ghost but she'll be burning when the night is done" between Tyce and Loaf and it was night and day difference on emotion.

I know Tyce is singing the songs just as written (maybe the view of a gay man) but singing the Bonnie Tyler songs exactly as written was just dumb. On total eclipse the line "you'll always be the only boy" just does not fit. It stands there awkward as hell. Had he done "Ravishing" would he have done the line about wearing a dress?

Meat can be under par at times but he always got exactly what needed to be done and interpreted the song as opposed to shouting it. Tyce has not yet developed the same kind of song interpretation skills. Maybe he will.

To me it is just a decent singer doing rote vocals on classic songs. On the plus side the new arrangements are interesting, even if they don't always work they are trying .
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Old 21 Mar 2017, 17:22   #134
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I respect everyone and everyones opinion, if you could please tell me where you got a free digital copy from i would appreciate it..

Originally Posted by Adje View Post
"I got a digital copy for free"
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Old 21 Mar 2017, 20:39   #135
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The songs that work for me are, left in the dark, holding out for a hero, I'll kill you if you don't come back. All of these are decent versions.

I will say that it's just someone singing the songs, I don't think he owns Any of them the way meat or even bonnie can
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Old 21 Mar 2017, 21:23   #136
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I think there are a lot of disrespectful comments on here regarding Tyce. I think his vocals are great and on the whole I really enjoy the album.

There was talk of a UK tour....any news on dates, venues etc?
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Old 22 Mar 2017, 01:54   #137
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Yes there are uk dates in the works, still early, if we can make it happen it will be the end of the year, however i wont be talking about it on here as it will likely be the wrong venues, wrong seats, too expensive, too cheap, too loud, too quiet, took long and too much fun!!!! If anyone wants to know about it just friend me on facebook where we can be friends and i can control the madness!!
Fb Nickyjames

Originally Posted by nightinr View Post
I think there are a lot of disrespectful comments on here regarding Tyce. I think his vocals are great and on the whole I really enjoy the album.

There was talk of a UK tour....any news on dates, venues etc?
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Old 22 Mar 2017, 02:33   #138
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Originally Posted by mindnick1 View Post
however i wont be talking about it on here as it will likely be the wrong venues, wrong seats, too expensive, too cheap, too loud, too quiet, took long and too much fun!!!! If anyone wants to know about it just friend me on facebook where we can be friends and i can control the madness!!
Just to stand up a tad for our clan here I don't think it's madness, from what I can see you've got both people who like it and people who don't and neither party has crossed any line, what I've read has been posted objectively and honestly.

Jeez, you should read what they write about Meat
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Old 22 Mar 2017, 02:39   #139
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I agree no one has crossed any lines...
I dread to think what was said about Meat and his last album, in fact i dont want to know!! Thats very sad to hear

Originally Posted by Monstro View Post
Just to stand up a tad for our clan here I don't think it's madness, from what I can see you've got both people who like it and people who don't and neither party has crossed any line, what I've read has been posted objectively and honestly.

Jeez, you should read what they write about Meat
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Old 22 Mar 2017, 02:49   #140
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Originally Posted by Monstro View Post
Just to stand up a tad for our clan here I don't think it's madness, from what I can see you've got both people who like it and people who don't and neither party has crossed any line, what I've read has been posted objectively and honestly.

Jeez, you should read what they write about Meat
I think this thread has been a lot of advertising that Tyce was releasing an album. Anyone who has read it has awareness of it. People are going to have reactions to it that might not be all glowing positives.
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Old 22 Mar 2017, 23:01   #141
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I've only listened to the first disc once - haven't listened to the acoustic songs yet - but overall, I like it. I think Tyce's voice gives it a modern edge with a hint of teenage/YA angst. Some of the songs are on the shouty side, but these remind me of more alternative rock/Green Day type of singing and if part of the purpose of the album is to draw a new generation of listeners into Jim's music, then this is one way to get them to listen.
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Old 23 Mar 2017, 15:25   #142
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Will the album be available in Spotify or Tidal? Its not now...
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Old 23 Mar 2017, 17:11   #143
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Originally Posted by roomster View Post
Will the album be available in Spotify or Tidal? Its not now...
I saw that Tyce said on Twitter they did not pay enough to cover his rent. If he was more established I could see the point, but the younger audience being spoken of uses those services and could discover him. Right now over 90% of the listeners are hardcore Steinman fans. Not enough people of most any age buy CD's now, especially from unknown or lesser known artists.
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Old 23 Mar 2017, 19:54   #144
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Originally Posted by loaferman61 View Post
Not enough people of most any age buy CD's now, especially from unknown or lesser known artists.
I tend to stream before I buy now, if I like it I download it or buy the CD, though that wouldn't be an option for what the Tyce one would cost me.
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Old 23 Mar 2017, 21:04   #145
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Default streaming

Originally Posted by roomster View Post
Will the album be available in Spotify or Tidal? Its not now...
Sorry but not for a while, we as the Tyce crew and label are strongly against streaming for a new artists, older artists have made their money several times over with Lps. Cassettes, then Cds etc etc, so its fine for them, most of these older artists have been paid 2/3 times over for the same product......if a new artist who is not on a major label streams then that artist barley gets a penny per stream, everyone has to pay bills, imagine splitting a penny with everyone who owns the just would not happen and there would be no album.....if anyone thinks we are making bank on this they are truly mistaken, in fact for most of us involved this is a BILL each month and NOT income!!

We are on a small label with limited resources, so getting the CD in stores overseas is not easy, so its best to order from, however i get it with the shipping if ANYONE wants to buy this through ME directly i will ship it to ANYWHERE in the world for FREE, i think broadway are charging $20 for the double CD, so if anyone wants one PM me and i will work out the i am not running off with your money lol, i have known Andy King for almost 30 years, we met at a Meat show in Harrogate, Lost Boys tour, yes I'm from the UK originally (stockport) and got out to LA many moons ago to play music!! i just want this music to be available as much as possible....

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Old 24 Mar 2017, 14:06   #146
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Hmm it is tempting to buy a CD if you ever manage to get some UK gigs, please come up north! Who is Andy King?
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Old 24 Mar 2017, 14:56   #147
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Originally Posted by eltmatt View Post
Hmm it is tempting to buy a CD if you ever manage to get some UK gigs, please come up north! Who is Andy King?
No idea

Oh wait, yeah that's me.
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Old 24 Mar 2017, 15:49   #148
trying to be realistic
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Originally Posted by mindnick1 View Post
I respect everyone and everyones opinion, if you could please tell me where you got a free digital copy from i would appreciate it..

I could tell you that I got a free amazon gift card. But the truth is that google is today's man's best friend.
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Old 24 Mar 2017, 16:31   #149
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Originally Posted by Adje View Post

I could tell you that I got a free amazon gift card. But the truth is that google is today's man's best friend.
Why so combative?

I just want to know if there is a link to an ilegal download to the music i spent a year making and crafting, and spending a crap load of money on, i know you dont like the album and thats fine, but thats not the point, you said you did a "google" search and you got it for free?
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Old 24 Mar 2017, 16:38   #150
trying to be realistic
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Originally Posted by mindnick1 View Post
Why so combative?
Oh it's not meant combative. But as a man from the music buisiness you should know how things go these days (years). Even Star Wars was already available in digital 1080p edition before they released the official digital version (not to mention the bluray itself in April). It's the internet area. It's not a question if it's leaked, but when. Tyce's CD didn't last a day I believe.

And to be frank, I always check it in the free digital world before I decide to buy myself a copy And I buy a lot, (mainly BluRay discs) but thankfully I can now see/hear if it's worth my money, taste-wise
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