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Old 11 Oct 2012, 08:27   #473
Mr. Happy
Join Date: 13.02.2010
Posts: 736

I finally got my hands on a copy. Was worth the wait

For the most part, I think it was pretty decent. It was pretty much everything I was expecting, plus a little more. There were a few small things which annoyed me though:

+ The backing vocals. Why, why, why are they auto tuned? I always find the sound of auto tune / vocal correction to be one of the most frustrating things imaginable in my music. Here, it isn't too bad for the most part, but at times it's just over done. I can't listen to Stand in the Storm because of it.

+ Like Rob mentioned above, this version of Anything for Love isn't really to my taste. That's not really a critique of the DVD itself, just my personal preference. I liked it the first few times I heard it, but after getting acquainted with it I miss the signature piano intro. It's not quite the same without It's an interesting difference though. I still like Justin's piano work at the start, and John's drums, when they kick in, are just insane

+ There are times when Meat's vocals are on par with 3 Bat Lives. Two out of Three, Took the Words and Anything For Love don't do it for me at all :3 With that said, there's one note that Meat hits near the end of Anything For Love that gave me shivers. He holds the "do" of the "I won't do that" for ages, and it's just nailed to perfection. Very, very cool.

+ There's a few production bits which made me raise an eyebrow. There are parts where the audience noise sounds unnatural, it just sort of comes out of nowhere really abruptly and far too loudly. Not a big problem, though.

+ I never agreed with the lighting issues people were complaining about before the DVD was released, but now that I've actually seen it...yeah, I do sort of agree. You can't see shit at times.

+ The echo some people mentioned is actually really, really noticable at points. I don't really understand why anyone would put so much delay on vocals, but ok o.0

+ Why the hell is Rock and Roll Dreams not on the CD? I want to carry it with me everywhere I'll ever go in life >.<

Those are really my only issues and they're pretty minor There's a few rhythmic issues in Living on the Outside which is a bit distracting, too, but I didn't think it was worth a whole dot point :P On the other hand...

+ The vocals on Bat out of Hell are ~~~~ing amazing. I'm sorry, but that is hands down one of the best performances I've heard in ages. Totally, undeniably brilliant.

+ I like how they mixed up the spoken bit on Los Angeloser. The bass solo is legendary, and I liked the "No disrespect to any of the man out there" addition. I smirked :P

+ The intro to Took the Words is the best intro I've ever heard for the song. Justin's piano under the speech at the start works so well, and when it builds up to the opening power chords...yeah. I liked this :P

+ Rock and Roll Dreams. Do I need to say anything more? Justin is, hands down, the best pianist the Neverland Express has ever seen. The man's a freak on the piano.

+ Justin and Ginny's solo in Two out of Three. See my Rock and Roll Dreams section for more detail

+ The violin in general. It's such a good addition to the band, I love the tone of it. It's particularly awesome in Bat out of Hell, on the "I'll come crawling on back to you." Beautiful

+ Randy and Paul's guitar solos before Two out of Three and Rock and Roll Dreams. Some of the best guitar work I've ever heard. I like Randy's little laugh at the end of his. He knows he's awesome (and rightly so) :P

I've ranted for long enough. I love this DVD, despite the negatives I posted above

Originally Posted by Vickip View Post
Meat is right when he said that he has the best rock and roll band in the world and IMO he really knows how to use them


P.S. I agree that the clips on YouTube definitely don't do it justice.
I could not agree more with both of these

Last edited by Mr. Happy; 11 Oct 2012 at 08:38. Reason: Restructured, was quite a painful wall of text >.>
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