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Old 10 Oct 2012, 05:23   #451
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Originally Posted by mikeloaf View Post
Well 3 Bat was uncut, this one is more like a TV show. It is not terrible!
the only things cut here were some banters and mercury blues cause concert one sucks.

3 bats needed to be trimmed
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Old 10 Oct 2012, 05:52   #452
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I got a defective disc that started having freeze up issues after a few audio glitches early on. Still I have seen the DVD and think overall it was very good. As stated I am glad they did any overdubs they did. Watching at home is a different experience than seeing it live so some things that were great live come across totally different. I have no major issues. The majority of it was excellent. The dark parts are not as much of a concern on the big screen and I had no issues with the echo that was mentioned. Other than "Paradise" seeming to be 3 days long, it was a very good effort. Far superior to 3 Bats. I thought the first half flew by in comparison to the second part. Thank You to Meat and Paul for the work you put into this DVD. It is the best of the Meat Loaf DVD releases.
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Old 10 Oct 2012, 12:27   #453
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Originally Posted by razorball2002 View Post
The DVD is great, the show great, Meat's energy is ok. But most of it is vocally re-done, I don't know if they re-do the vocals in the studio or if they just record Meats voice at the show and autotune it, anyone can help me to know how they do it?
How many people out of the thousands of fans Meat has are even going to notice that there were some edits to the vocals? There might be a few but I don't think that the majority of people are actually going to be all that worried.

When I buy a DVD I ask myself whether I enjoyed watching it and would I watch it again? The answer to both is a definate YES and quite frankly I couldn't care less that some of the vocals had had been redone because I enjoyed watching and listening to it.

The only things I felt were superior on 3 Bats Live were the Special Features (and the In Search of Paradise Documentary) and the picture quality but in my opinion, this new DVD is a superior performance.
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Old 10 Oct 2012, 13:25   #454
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Originally Posted by robgomm View Post
Okay first of all Meat said they were keeping about 80% of the vocals so actually you're way wrong, most of the vocals are genuine. Also I remember in exactly the same post he said he wasn't happy with Hot Patootie so yes that was one of the songs redone. Please try to get your facts straight before stating you know something to be true. Either way, the vast majority of the performance is genuine from on the night.
Uh sorry then it must be true
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Old 10 Oct 2012, 16:00   #455
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Originally Posted by JennaG View Post
How many people out of the thousands of fans Meat has are even going to notice that there were some edits to the vocals? There might be a few but I don't think that the majority of people are actually going to be all that worried.

When I buy a DVD I ask myself whether I enjoyed watching it and would I watch it again? The answer to both is a definate YES and quite frankly I couldn't care less that some of the vocals had had been redone because I enjoyed watching and listening to it.

The only things I felt were superior on 3 Bats Live were the Special Features (and the In Search of Paradise Documentary) and the picture quality but in my opinion, this new DVD is a superior performance.
I think they would notice it more if it were not touched up a bit. Doing that is pretty routine. They were set up to film with all the cameras and Meat had a serious vocal chord issue that unfortunately happened at the same time. The only thing better IMO about 3 Bats was that it was better lighted. The new disc had too much blue light and was a bit dark, more so on the computer screen than an LCD TV. I am just glad to have a DVD that is this good other than my physical disc having some quality defects with freeze ups and skipping.
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Old 10 Oct 2012, 16:52   #456
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Originally Posted by Dave View Post
Left In The Dark would be beautiful...and Justin on piano would take it places it has never gone before...stunning! I was a new fan and way up in the lawn for the Born To Rock Tour...I'd love to see the sensation you could make it now.
oh I agree, i love left in the dark. Also I'd love to see 'it just wont quit' love this song, 2nd FAV ever.

And I love the DVD, so powerful - and sounds great through my surround sound :)

Also regarding a storyteller show - I think this is a great idea. the storytellers dvd is so amazing, and i LOVE this the stories behind the songs...

Can't wait til your back in the UK Meat take care.
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Old 10 Oct 2012, 20:03   #457
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Originally Posted by robgomm View Post
[...] the vast majority of the performance is genuine from on the night.
How do you know? Were you at the show?

Originally Posted by razorball2002 View Post
But most of it is vocally re-done [...]
I don't know if they did anything with the vocals but what I've heard so far doesn't appeal to me. Listening to / watching clips on an online store confirmed the first impression I got when watching the promo videos on SFM's YouTube channel. The music appears to be great, I especially like the guitar solos and the addition of the violin. The arrangements are very powerful and rousing but unfortunately I'm disappointed by Meat's vocals. I listened to the samples several times hoping that my opinion would change but to no avail. I don't know if I'm gonna like this so I refrain from purchasing it for now.
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Old 10 Oct 2012, 21:13   #458
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Originally Posted by Sarge View Post
[...] the promo videos on SFM's YouTube channel [...]
On SFM's and Concert One's YT channels, to be precise.
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Old 10 Oct 2012, 21:50   #459
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Originally Posted by Sarge View Post
On SFM's and Concert One's YT channels, to be precise.
Honestly,the clips do not do the show anywhere near justice. Playing the whole thing really gives the feel of being at a concert and all the parts come together brilliantly in a way that the yt clips cannot match.
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Old 10 Oct 2012, 22:51   #460
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I got my copy in the mail today and just watched it. All I can say is wow ...... that was truly amazing
I truly enjoyed every second of it from beginning to end. Meat is right when he said that he has the best rock
and roll band in the world and IMO he really knows how to use them

Thank you both Meat and Paul very very much for all of your time and dedication with this amazing DVD, for
for bringing back some great memories of the HCTB tour, and making me feel like I was right there in the audience at
Sydney the entire night. Absolutely stunning, and truly wort the wait !! Thank you

P.S. I agree that the clips on YouTube definitely don't do it justice.

Last edited by Vickip; 10 Oct 2012 at 22:59.
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Old 10 Oct 2012, 23:17   #461
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Originally Posted by Sarge View Post
How do you know? Were you at the show?

I don't know if they did anything with the vocals but what I've heard so far doesn't appeal to me. Listening to / watching clips on an online store confirmed the first impression I got when watching the promo videos on SFM's YouTube channel. The music appears to be great, I especially like the guitar solos and the addition of the violin. The arrangements are very powerful and rousing but unfortunately I'm disappointed by Meat's vocals. I listened to the samples several times hoping that my opinion would change but to no avail. I don't know if I'm gonna like this so I refrain from purchasing it for now.
No I wasn't at the show but Meat posted that they were keeping about 80% of the vocals done on the night. I'd say that counts as a vast majority wouldn't you?

I agree with everyone else that you really can't judge unless you've seen the actual dvd.
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Old 11 Oct 2012, 01:17   #462
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From what I see/hear from the DVD their are not a lot of literal dubs, Hot Patootie may be an exception. There are however alterations to the original vocal throughout, done during post production (there are some auto-tuned sounding moments) but this is just to make it sound more natural and easier on the ear, its what was sung on the night but touched up for the purpose of a DVD, All necessary stuff.

Anyway, I've seen this a few times now. Seem to like it more every time. The DVD feels more personal, gritty, striped down with a sense of realism. It has done an exceptional job at making the music and performance the spectacle, there is no hiding behinds dramatic sets and fancy pyrotechnics, it has the spirit of a no messing, back to basics, traditional kick ass rock show. The elements of media production and performance compliments each other perfectly. And the edit is outstanding, so well thought out and timed precisely.
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Old 11 Oct 2012, 01:24   #463
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Originally Posted by Wario View Post
the only things cut here were some banters and mercury blues cause concert one sucks.

3 bats needed to be trimmed
Well I like both very much!
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Old 11 Oct 2012, 01:33   #464
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Originally Posted by mikeloaf View Post
Well I like both very much!
I do too.
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Old 11 Oct 2012, 01:47   #465
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Left in the dark !!!!!!
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Old 11 Oct 2012, 02:22   #466
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Originally Posted by robgomm View Post
I agree with everyone else that you really can't judge unless you've seen the actual dvd.
I didn't jugde the show / the DVD. I said that I'm not overly fond of the way Meat sounds in the clips I've seen. (Wonder how often I'll have to explain the difference between a judgement and an opinion / a preference on this forum... ) If it was due to the clips not doing the DVD justice, how come I like - almost - everything else? I want to like the vocals. That's what Meat Loaf is famous for (aside from his unique way to perform) and what used to grab my attention and made me admire him. If they fail to attract me, I'm not interested, sorry. I'm not keen on spending about € 20 on something that might disappoint me.
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Old 11 Oct 2012, 02:47   #467
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This DVD is really good. It might not suit everyones ideal but it is really good quality.
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Old 11 Oct 2012, 04:46   #468
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Well I was at the show on the night, and I would bet on more than 80% of vocals being kept.

There are only a couple of points where I think "oh that sounds a little different to what it did on the night" not that its an issue for me. I love it.

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Old 11 Oct 2012, 05:44   #469
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Yesterday I received my Guilty Pleasure DVD/CD import. I knew it'd be hours before my evening would settle down for a proper viewing, but every last minute of waiting was worth it.

I have so much to comment on that I cannot wrap my thoughts in a neat little bundle. I can only relate that the DVD did it's job and then some because that's exactly how I feel after a show experience. Lord knows, I couldn't sleep after it either.

I absolutely LOVE the whole thing. You press play and whoosh you are off on the journey front and center. I cannot express how engaged I was in each song. I couldn't help but sing along. I was captivated. I don't understand a whole lot about technical things and the why and how part of it getting all done, but I know that if a mental checklist existed of everything I love in a Meat would be all marked off and then some.

After a few shows on the Mad Mad World Tour, I actually let those shows eclipse the greatness of the shows I saw on the Hang Cool Tour (with the exception of one song on a very special evening). How dare I forget about the awesome Peace On Earth performances? And Bat being third in the set? Naw, just a temporary smoke screen by the Mad Mad World Tour This DVD allows me to revisit those songs live. And by every ounce of his energy, Meat delivers it clearly in balls to the wall style.

Vocals: Oh Meat Oh My! Again, I don't care what was fixed and what wasn't fixed. I am one of the peeps that enjoys what Meat is put before me. While watching the whole DVD, I forgot that he was dealing with a Vocal Chord issue. Looking back now trying to gather myself, I feel so bad for Meat with that very point in time (for multiple reasons)....but he has managed to be the most consummate professional putting everything he had into performance, vocals, humor and love. I had no doubt he would, I never had one doubt about it! There are so many stand out Meat vocal highlights for me, I would actually have to scribe them down as I watched it again. The parts where the goosebumps well up or the my hair on my arms stand up on end.....yeah, those are the times where I want to reach out to Meat and say OH F~CK YEAH! {Sidebar: Bat third in the set and captured ON this DVD was a BIG F~CK YEAH!}

Musicianship: Now introducing, Randy's tricep muscle. He needs a license to carry that thing! lol. Next up, the talented Ginny Luke. I love her contributions to the songs. It was fresh facelift on some timeless pieces. The solo in 2 Out Of 3 is right up my alley. I am a fan of the extensions in 2 Out Of 3....I loved Justin's solo the first night I saw it during the Hang Cool Tour....and now I love this treasure from the Guilty Pleasure DVD. I think everyone is in accord with the tightness of the band and the skill each possess. They are all wonderful on stage and off. I love that they can bring Meat's masterful auditory plan to our ears.

Lighting/Picture Quality: The stage was lit.... I saw fog....I saw the band....I saw some graphics in the background.....I think I saw Alice In Wonderland......most importantly I saw Meat and I loved every cascading moment of it. My picture quality was sharp right down to the color of Meat's gum (you thought I was going to say eyes right?)

Documentary: I took away a lot of information from this "State of Meat Address", by some people who work super close to Meat. So close that they know his tenacious work ethic, always striving for the best of himself to give to his fans. These people "know" Meat and have said things we knew from Meat, but these are testimonials. I found the bonus footage a bit fascinating and drove home the ideals of Meat. It really just commanded the word I've always had for him, RESPECT.

Emotions: 1. The moment where he took to thank the fans back from 1978. (I am one, he just hasn't known of my existence for very long is all). 2. The very end where he mouths the words with double hand/body language gesturing. I. LOVE. YOU. He hit me right in the heart with those two simple things!

CD: Is now in my car for my listening pleasure.

Thank You: And much respect to Paul's production skills and for your intellect of Meat's visions. The band for the killer instincts to turn it up to 11!!! Patti for being Meat's beautiful rock. And to Meat, for not just this DVD but for all your generosity, time, and considerations for your fan base.....on forum and off.

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Old 11 Oct 2012, 07:04   #470
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I knew I'd forget something!

The Sex Music part........I tried but I simply can't ignore it, I completely went to a naughty place. He did the Meat groans and moans. I may as well fess up and come clean.....THAT WAS HOT!
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Old 11 Oct 2012, 07:19   #471
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Originally Posted by suzieq View Post
Yesterday I received my Guilty Pleasure DVD/CD import. I knew it'd be hours before my evening would settle down for a proper viewing, but every last minute of waiting was worth it.

I have so much to comment on that I cannot wrap my thoughts in a neat little bundle. I can only relate that the DVD did it's job and then some because that's exactly how I feel after a show experience. Lord knows, I couldn't sleep after it either.

I absolutely LOVE the whole thing. You press play and whoosh you are off on the journey front and center. I cannot express how engaged I was in each song. I couldn't help but sing along. I was captivated. I don't understand a whole lot about technical things and the why and how part of it getting all done, but I know that if a mental checklist existed of everything I love in a Meat would be all marked off and then some.

After a few shows on the Mad Mad World Tour, I actually let those shows eclipse the greatness of the shows I saw on the Hang Cool Tour (with the exception of one song on a very special evening). How dare I forget about the awesome Peace On Earth performances? And Bat being third in the set? Naw, just a temporary smoke screen by the Mad Mad World Tour This DVD allows me to revisit those songs live. And by every ounce of his energy, Meat delivers it clearly in balls to the wall style.

Vocals: Oh Meat Oh My! Again, I don't care what was fixed and what wasn't fixed. I am one of the peeps that enjoys what Meat is put before me. While watching the whole DVD, I forgot that he was dealing with a Vocal Chord issue. Looking back now trying to gather myself, I feel so bad for Meat with that very point in time (for multiple reasons)....but he has managed to be the most consummate professional putting everything he had into performance, vocals, humor and love. I had no doubt he would, I never had one doubt about it! There are so many stand out Meat vocal highlights for me, I would actually have to scribe them down as I watched it again. The parts where the goosebumps well up or the my hair on my arms stand up on end.....yeah, those are the times where I want to reach out to Meat and say OH F~CK YEAH! {Sidebar: Bat third in the set and captured ON this DVD was a BIG F~CK YEAH!}

Musicianship: Now introducing, Randy's tricep muscle. He needs a license to carry that thing! lol. Next up, the talented Ginny Luke. I love her contributions to the songs. It was fresh facelift on some timeless pieces. The solo in 2 Out Of 3 is right up my alley. I am a fan of the extensions in 2 Out Of 3....I loved Justin's solo the first night I saw it during the Hang Cool Tour....and now I love this treasure from the Guilty Pleasure DVD. I think everyone is in accord with the tightness of the band and the skill each possess. They are all wonderful on stage and off. I love that they can bring Meat's masterful auditory plan to our ears.

Lighting/Picture Quality: The stage was lit.... I saw fog....I saw the band....I saw some graphics in the background.....I think I saw Alice In Wonderland......most importantly I saw Meat and I loved every cascading moment of it. My picture quality was sharp right down to the color of Meat's gum (you thought I was going to say eyes right?)

Documentary: I took away a lot of information from this "State of Meat Address", by some people who work super close to Meat. So close that they know his tenacious work ethic, always striving for the best of himself to give to his fans. These people "know" Meat and have said things we knew from Meat, but these are testimonials. I found the bonus footage a bit fascinating and drove home the ideals of Meat. It really just commanded the word I've always had for him, RESPECT.

Emotions: 1. The moment where he took to thank the fans back from 1978. (I am one, he just hasn't known of my existence for very long is all). 2. The very end where he mouths the words with double hand/body language gesturing. I. LOVE. YOU. He hit me right in the heart with those two simple things!

CD: Is now in my car for my listening pleasure.

Thank You: And much respect to Paul's production skills and for your intellect of Meat's visions. The band for the killer instincts to turn it up to 11!!! Patti for being Meat's beautiful rock. And to Meat, for not just this DVD but for all your generosity, time, and considerations for your fan base.....on forum and off.

I don't just like this review .... I freaking LOVE it Thank you SuzieQ for finding the perfect words to describe this amazing DVD ! Now I really have to go back and watch it a second time

Originally Posted by suzieq View Post
I knew I'd forget something!

The Sex Music part........I tried but I simply can't ignore it, I completely went to a naughty place. He did the Meat groans and moans. I may as well fess up and come clean.....THAT WAS HOT!
Yeah it was I can use some holy water right about now
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Old 11 Oct 2012, 07:28   #472
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Originally Posted by Vickip View Post
I don't just like this review .... I freaking LOVE it Thank you SuzieQ for finding the perfect words to describe this amazing DVD ! Now I really have to go back and watch it a second time
I completely almost misread that.

Originally Posted by Vickip View Post
Yeah it was I can use some holy water right about now
Yes, anything more will send us to the "One for the Girls" thread.
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Old 11 Oct 2012, 08:27   #473
Mr. Happy
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I finally got my hands on a copy. Was worth the wait

For the most part, I think it was pretty decent. It was pretty much everything I was expecting, plus a little more. There were a few small things which annoyed me though:

+ The backing vocals. Why, why, why are they auto tuned? I always find the sound of auto tune / vocal correction to be one of the most frustrating things imaginable in my music. Here, it isn't too bad for the most part, but at times it's just over done. I can't listen to Stand in the Storm because of it.

+ Like Rob mentioned above, this version of Anything for Love isn't really to my taste. That's not really a critique of the DVD itself, just my personal preference. I liked it the first few times I heard it, but after getting acquainted with it I miss the signature piano intro. It's not quite the same without It's an interesting difference though. I still like Justin's piano work at the start, and John's drums, when they kick in, are just insane

+ There are times when Meat's vocals are on par with 3 Bat Lives. Two out of Three, Took the Words and Anything For Love don't do it for me at all :3 With that said, there's one note that Meat hits near the end of Anything For Love that gave me shivers. He holds the "do" of the "I won't do that" for ages, and it's just nailed to perfection. Very, very cool.

+ There's a few production bits which made me raise an eyebrow. There are parts where the audience noise sounds unnatural, it just sort of comes out of nowhere really abruptly and far too loudly. Not a big problem, though.

+ I never agreed with the lighting issues people were complaining about before the DVD was released, but now that I've actually seen it...yeah, I do sort of agree. You can't see shit at times.

+ The echo some people mentioned is actually really, really noticable at points. I don't really understand why anyone would put so much delay on vocals, but ok o.0

+ Why the hell is Rock and Roll Dreams not on the CD? I want to carry it with me everywhere I'll ever go in life >.<

Those are really my only issues and they're pretty minor There's a few rhythmic issues in Living on the Outside which is a bit distracting, too, but I didn't think it was worth a whole dot point :P On the other hand...

+ The vocals on Bat out of Hell are ~~~~ing amazing. I'm sorry, but that is hands down one of the best performances I've heard in ages. Totally, undeniably brilliant.

+ I like how they mixed up the spoken bit on Los Angeloser. The bass solo is legendary, and I liked the "No disrespect to any of the man out there" addition. I smirked :P

+ The intro to Took the Words is the best intro I've ever heard for the song. Justin's piano under the speech at the start works so well, and when it builds up to the opening power chords...yeah. I liked this :P

+ Rock and Roll Dreams. Do I need to say anything more? Justin is, hands down, the best pianist the Neverland Express has ever seen. The man's a freak on the piano.

+ Justin and Ginny's solo in Two out of Three. See my Rock and Roll Dreams section for more detail

+ The violin in general. It's such a good addition to the band, I love the tone of it. It's particularly awesome in Bat out of Hell, on the "I'll come crawling on back to you." Beautiful

+ Randy and Paul's guitar solos before Two out of Three and Rock and Roll Dreams. Some of the best guitar work I've ever heard. I like Randy's little laugh at the end of his. He knows he's awesome (and rightly so) :P

I've ranted for long enough. I love this DVD, despite the negatives I posted above

Originally Posted by Vickip View Post
Meat is right when he said that he has the best rock and roll band in the world and IMO he really knows how to use them


P.S. I agree that the clips on YouTube definitely don't do it justice.
I could not agree more with both of these

Last edited by Mr. Happy; 11 Oct 2012 at 08:38. Reason: Restructured, was quite a painful wall of text >.>
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Old 11 Oct 2012, 09:54   #474
Elijah's way
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My biggest problem with this dvd aside from the terrible quality is the fact that I cant hear Meat singing most of the time mainely in RNRD but when I do hear him he sounds awesome. I just think whoever done all the editing and whatever else didn't really know what they were doing and made a mess out of it. I can't believe we had to wait a year for this, oh and what's up with bleeping out the f bombs??? It sounds really stupid!!!

I reeally do wish I liked this dvd as much as some of you but I think it's a mess and the only good things about it are TOOT, BOOH, POE, SITS and Boneyard

IMO 3 bats live is far superior than this and of course it doesn't come close to MSO

Live in Tunica, MS now that would be an amazing DVD!!!

Last edited by Elijah's way; 11 Oct 2012 at 10:38.
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Old 11 Oct 2012, 10:59   #475
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Originally Posted by Mr. Happy View Post
With that said, there's one note that Meat hits near the end of Anything For Love that gave me shivers. He holds the "do" of the "I won't do that" for ages, and it's just nailed to perfection. Very, very cool.
I remember a girl sat behind me said to her mate "that was an amazing note" right when that happened

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