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Old 02 Aug 2004, 23:28   #1
Junior Loafer
Join Date: 07.01.2004
Posts: 42
Default Todd Rundgren concert

Finally got around to writing this a couple of weeks after the event!

Got an email from the US fan club (I think... maybe it was the UK one) about a Todd Rundgren tour starting in a few days time. In it it said you could win tickets by answering the question "Who, in Todd Rundgren's tour, also starred on Bat Out Of Hell?" (or words to that effect). It was, of course, Kasim Sulton. So I emailed the box office and waited. This was on Wednesday; they said winners would be notified by Friday, and the concert was on Monday. I didn't hear anything so I thought I didn't win. But come 4pm Monday I got an email with 2 free tickets! Only problem was it was tonight in 3.5 hours time and it takes 1.5 hours to get there (Bristol Academy). Found somebody at work willing to come ("Todd Rundgren... I know the name but can't place him" was pretty much everybody's comment).

Turn up, right on time. Got a great view on one of the staircases close to the side of the stage. The bouncers let you stand anywhere - brilliant!

The four of them came on and started with some pyschadelic 80s kind of stuff, moved onto rock, funk, R&B, and then back to rock again. Todd looked very much the aging 70s rock star (sorry!). The only song they played which I recognised was "While my guitar gently weeps"!

Kasim's bass work was great. So much so that I went and bought one of his albums off the commission stand out back. Quid Pro Quo is great! I was very pleasantly surprised.

All in all, an interesting night out, if a little unusual.


Geoff M.

Edit: Oh, and there were the inevitable "Where's Meat?" comments! There were a fair few Meat fans who, like me, had come along to see what it was all about.
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Old 03 Aug 2004, 00:39   #2
Join Date: 21.11.2003
Location:  Over the top..... seeing what's on the other side
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Glad to hear someone else enjoyed the show Geoff - it really rocked in places didn't it?
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