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Old 07 Oct 2012, 17:04   #401
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I've not had a problem with picture. Both on a 22'' LCD PC screen and a 32'' TV.

Can't wait to try it in Saudi on a 60'' with surround sound!
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Old 07 Oct 2012, 18:14   #402
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It's kinda blurry/pixellated on my TV, its worst when the blue lights are on. I was going to watch it on either my laptop or tv in my bedroom tonight to see if it was any different, but its just too late right now.

Still happy to have the DVD :) I still love it

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Old 07 Oct 2012, 18:44   #403
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Originally Posted by melon View Post
Still happy to have the DVD :) I still love it
I totally agree. Meat and the band are simply amazing in this DVD and it was definately worth the wait.
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Old 07 Oct 2012, 18:56   #404
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Originally Posted by JennaG View Post
I totally agree. Meat and the band are simply amazing in this DVD and it was definately worth the wait.
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Old 07 Oct 2012, 19:07   #405
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Originally Posted by JennaG View Post
I'm not liking that announcement very much.

Anyway, back to the DVD. How did people find the picture quality? I've not found it to be great but I'm wondering if that's just this computer?
No issues with picture quality on mine, in fact I was very impressed. Mind you played it through my PS3 which is a VERY good player and upscaler.
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Old 07 Oct 2012, 20:07   #406
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Originally Posted by PanicLord View Post
No issues with picture quality on mine, in fact I was very impressed. Mind you played it through my PS3 which is a VERY good player and upscaler.
Yeah me either, mine was a cracking picture on an old 32' HD ready TV. Weird how people are seeing things differently, I guess it depends on different TV's, different settings etc.

Good call on PS3 btw, I haven't tried it yet through that.

What's your username so I can add you as a friend? Mines Robdoggomm I think.
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Old 07 Oct 2012, 21:48   #407
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imo the picture quality is great. love the light - makes me feel like being in the concert
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Old 07 Oct 2012, 22:23   #408
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Originally Posted by robgomm View Post
What's your username so I can add you as a friend? Mines Robdoggomm I think.
Um on what?
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Old 07 Oct 2012, 23:32   #409
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Originally Posted by PanicLord View Post
Um on what?
On your PS3?
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Old 08 Oct 2012, 01:49   #410
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Brace yourselves..... here I go!

I've been waiting long. too long and hard for this DVD and by golly its the best two hours of my life everrrrrr.

First ill say what I didn't like: Living on the Outside, Stand in the Storm, and the documentary. ill get to those two songs in a bt but the documentary was bad in both picture and sound. they used CAMERA AUDIO for the interviews and it wasn't edited that great (a lot of black frames). the concert footage too in the documentary seemed unmastered. No interviews with ANY of the band members. none. Would’ve rather had a commentary track.

now ... the track by track analysis... the nitty gritty.

"Really had a good time!"

Hot Patootie / Time Warp: 5/5
This was utterly fantastic. Meat was energetic, the arrangement kicked ass and the band was so strong. My favorite part is his “come on!” after the Time Warp section.

"You Gotta.... Break it!"

Break It: 5/5
Ive never been a break it supporter … until now. This just freaking rocked. Meat was incredible and the band looked like they were having a blast. Only thing I wish their was more of the the water gun. Loved how meat kept saying "You gotta!"

"Hey likea Bat Outta Heeeeeeeeeelllll!"

Bat: 4/5
This was fantastic. Now that mel said what banter was cut that would’ve been more awesome for what he says after. That was epic. A few moments that was a bit cluttered, but it was still a great performance.

"I dont Think so!!!"

POE: 5/5
What a great performance. My favorite moment was his “they say to me hang cool teddy bear … I don’t think so!” This was sooo great the staging, the lighting. It was one of my favorites off the DVD.

"come on baby, read with me"

LOTO: 3/5
One of the two very weak points of the DVD. Its just meat is out of time for a lot of it. Dunno if it was a problem with the headset or what. He sound greta when he was on point tho, Best live version ive heard, but I wish some lines were in more time.

"I emptyed out my pocketttttttts"

Los Angeloser: 5/5
Utterly fantastic. Loved how Patti sang her parts. So energetic and Meat sounded amazing. Every live version I heard never captured this song until now! Loved how he sang "emptied out my pockettts".

"let me hear you say 'amen!'"

Took The Words: 5/5
The best version of Took the words post 1993. Justin’s intro was awesome and we got PREACHER MEAT! Audience banter at its finest. Something that was missing from 3 Bats Live.

"come on patricia!"

Rock & Roll Dreams: 6/5
The greatest thing ever. 11 minutes of awesomeness. Long-0ass sax solo, Meat on top form, and a kick ass arrangement. This was awesome. The best performance bar none on the DVD. Loved how meat goes "come on patricia during the interlude before justin's epic solo.

"where's my cowgirl?
"right here cowboy!"

SITS: 2/5
Hated it. Auto tuned like crazy and sounded so artificial. One of only 2 songs on this DVD I didn’t like. I did like though patti referenced his secondary MLUKFC username at the start (cowboy)

"sooner or later you'll be screwing around"

Anything for Love: 5/5
Fantatsic,. Loved the abridged version and arrangement. My best friend watched this with me and said he preferred the intro to the piano-vocal one. LOVED this and meat sounded AWESOME. SO FREAKING AWESOME. Patti was amazing. This was her best vocal of the night.

"If Jim were here he'd be in that front seat screaming at the top of his lungs for what you just saw"

Two Out Of Three: 5/5
Ridiculous. Like a 3 minute violin/piano duel. Its crazy. My favorite moment of the DVD is quoted above.
Mats voice on this one was jaw dropping

"I went against the cardinal rules fellas... never make a girl cry"

Paradise: 4/5
26 freaking minutes. 26 minutes of awesomeness. Paradise was awesome but Where were the telitubbies????? Meat sounded great, patti was excellent, but the reason it gets a 4 is cause of the goshdarn clown noise on the f words. You just have to watch it. Its an episode of a TV show in the middle of a concert DVD.

"Oh you gotta let the good times roll baby!"

Boneyard / All Revved Up: 3.5/5
Ive heard better Boneyards on bootlegs, and I wish meat wore his red coat during it. Needed more Justin. Another thing im confused with is why they cut the :son of a bitch” lines. Was it performed like that just for the DVD. The end was satisfying, but I kept thinking mercury would show but I remembered concert-one fudged it up,.

Overall the DVD was excellent, well worth the wait. The echo never bothered me..

Didnt like the transitions though between songs, the camera was white balanced that great either. I think the blurriness comes form the High iso on the camera. cause of them making the shots darker.

I wish we could’ve gotten mercury blues, dead ringer, all of me, and song of madness soundboards as extras.

Last edited by Wario; 08 Oct 2012 at 01:59.
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Old 08 Oct 2012, 02:05   #411
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Originally Posted by Wario View Post
Paradise was awesome but Where were the telitubbies?????
No Teletubbies? Good.
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Old 08 Oct 2012, 02:09   #412
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It's a good DVD. I assume there was an encore because the lights stayed dark on the credits. The pity is the crowd again sat in there seats! At the Newcastle show everone stood up from the start. Would have been a better show to record!!
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Old 08 Oct 2012, 02:15   #413
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The new DVD has finally reached me here in Norway and I just have to say that it is fantastic Meat! Thank you so much for giving us moments like this!

I've only seen you perform live once (2008, Bergen/Norway), but I really, really hope that I get another chance.

Rock on!
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Old 08 Oct 2012, 02:24   #414
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Thanks for your review Wario I haven't gotten my copy so I can't comment on anything you've posted
but Rock & Roll Dreams and Peace On Earth are two of the songs that I'm truly looking forward to seeing
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Old 08 Oct 2012, 04:33   #415
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Wario, I quite liked SITS and I think it sounded fine on the dvd.

As for Boneyard, I don't have anything to compare that to but I thought it was great and I'm so glad I finally have a copy of the song! Freebird was one of my highlights of the night too

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Old 08 Oct 2012, 07:41   #416
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Default I'm impressed, Maestro !

I'm impressed, Maestro: Great gig from the whole team !!!
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Old 08 Oct 2012, 10:39   #417
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Originally Posted by Wario View Post
Boneyard / All Revved Up: 3.5/5
Ive heard better Boneyards on bootlegs, and I wish meat wore his red coat during it. Needed more Justin. Another thing im confused with is why they cut the :son of a bitch” lines. Was it performed like that just for the DVD. The end was satisfying, but I kept thinking mercury would show but I remembered concert-one fudged it up,.
Boneyard never really stood out to me when I saw it in concert and I don't think I remember anything about the performance of it so this DVD gave me the opportunity to take in the performance of the song. It's not one I rate as my favourite live songs but it wasn't bad.

I enjoyed watching the concert and the highlights of the DVD for me were Bat Out of Hell, Peace on Earth and Paradise.

I didn't rate the documentary all that highly. I'd have preferred an 'In Search of Paradise' type documentary which followed Meat and the band rather than having all that talk from those crew members.
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Old 08 Oct 2012, 15:26   #418
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You know what.... I absolutely adore this dvd, every single bit of it. Blurr or no blurr.

So, how do I deal with that ISO thing?

Ohhhh and just remembered some more talking that was cut. Meat explained before Paul's solo how Paul had wanted a acoustic solo because Randy had one and Paul cried lol. I put it in my concert review way back. He said how you have to treat guitarists like kids or something, if one has something you have to give it to the other too lol.

It's the best I remember it off the top of my head.

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Last edited by melon; 08 Oct 2012 at 15:52.
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Old 08 Oct 2012, 15:30   #419
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I thought Stand in the Storm was pretty good. Didn't sound any more "produced" than any of the other tracks on the DVD

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Old 08 Oct 2012, 15:36   #420
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Originally Posted by melon View Post
You know what.... I absolutely adore this dvd, every single bit of it. Blurr or no blurr.

So, how do I deal with that ISO thing?

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Better glasses maybe.
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Old 08 Oct 2012, 19:55   #421
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Originally Posted by melon View Post
It's kinda blurry/pixellated on my TV, its worst when the blue lights are on. I was going to watch it on either my laptop or tv in my bedroom tonight to see if it was any different, but its just too late right now.

Still happy to have the DVD :) I still love it

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The picture quality when the blue lights are on is awful on one of my TVs, which was played through a PS3. Am gonna try it out on a different TV and through a DVD player when I get a chance, to see if it makes a difference.
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Old 08 Oct 2012, 22:21   #422
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Originally Posted by Wario View Post
Brace yourselves..... here I go!

I've been waiting long. too long and hard for this DVD and by golly its the best two hours of my life everrrrrr.

First ill say what I didn't like: Living on the Outside, Stand in the Storm, and the documentary. ill get to those two songs in a bt but the documentary was bad in both picture and sound. they used CAMERA AUDIO for the interviews and it wasn't edited that great (a lot of black frames). the concert footage too in the documentary seemed unmastered. No interviews with ANY of the band members. none. Would’ve rather had a commentary track.

now ... the track by track analysis... the nitty gritty.

"Really had a good time!"

Hot Patootie / Time Warp: 5/5
This was utterly fantastic. Meat was energetic, the arrangement kicked ass and the band was so strong. My favorite part is his “come on!” after the Time Warp section.

"You Gotta.... Break it!"

Break It: 5/5
Ive never been a break it supporter … until now. This just freaking rocked. Meat was incredible and the band looked like they were having a blast. Only thing I wish their was more of the the water gun. Loved how meat kept saying "You gotta!"

"Hey likea Bat Outta Heeeeeeeeeelllll!"

Bat: 4/5
This was fantastic. Now that mel said what banter was cut that would’ve been more awesome for what he says after. That was epic. A few moments that was a bit cluttered, but it was still a great performance.

"I dont Think so!!!"

POE: 5/5
What a great performance. My favorite moment was his “they say to me hang cool teddy bear … I don’t think so!” This was sooo great the staging, the lighting. It was one of my favorites off the DVD.

"come on baby, read with me"

LOTO: 3/5
One of the two very weak points of the DVD. Its just meat is out of time for a lot of it. Dunno if it was a problem with the headset or what. He sound greta when he was on point tho, Best live version ive heard, but I wish some lines were in more time.

"I emptyed out my pocketttttttts"

Los Angeloser: 5/5
Utterly fantastic. Loved how Patti sang her parts. So energetic and Meat sounded amazing. Every live version I heard never captured this song until now! Loved how he sang "emptied out my pockettts".

"let me hear you say 'amen!'"

Took The Words: 5/5
The best version of Took the words post 1993. Justin’s intro was awesome and we got PREACHER MEAT! Audience banter at its finest. Something that was missing from 3 Bats Live.

"come on patricia!"

Rock & Roll Dreams: 6/5
The greatest thing ever. 11 minutes of awesomeness. Long-0ass sax solo, Meat on top form, and a kick ass arrangement. This was awesome. The best performance bar none on the DVD. Loved how meat goes "come on patricia during the interlude before justin's epic solo.

"where's my cowgirl?
"right here cowboy!"

SITS: 2/5
Hated it. Auto tuned like crazy and sounded so artificial. One of only 2 songs on this DVD I didn’t like. I did like though patti referenced his secondary MLUKFC username at the start (cowboy)

"sooner or later you'll be screwing around"

Anything for Love: 5/5
Fantatsic,. Loved the abridged version and arrangement. My best friend watched this with me and said he preferred the intro to the piano-vocal one. LOVED this and meat sounded AWESOME. SO FREAKING AWESOME. Patti was amazing. This was her best vocal of the night.

"If Jim were here he'd be in that front seat screaming at the top of his lungs for what you just saw"

Two Out Of Three: 5/5
Ridiculous. Like a 3 minute violin/piano duel. Its crazy. My favorite moment of the DVD is quoted above.
Mats voice on this one was jaw dropping

"I went against the cardinal rules fellas... never make a girl cry"

Paradise: 4/5
26 freaking minutes. 26 minutes of awesomeness. Paradise was awesome but Where were the telitubbies????? Meat sounded great, patti was excellent, but the reason it gets a 4 is cause of the goshdarn clown noise on the f words. You just have to watch it. Its an episode of a TV show in the middle of a concert DVD.

"Oh you gotta let the good times roll baby!"

Boneyard / All Revved Up: 3.5/5
Ive heard better Boneyards on bootlegs, and I wish meat wore his red coat during it. Needed more Justin. Another thing im confused with is why they cut the :son of a bitch” lines. Was it performed like that just for the DVD. The end was satisfying, but I kept thinking mercury would show but I remembered concert-one fudged it up,.

Overall the DVD was excellent, well worth the wait. The echo never bothered me..

Didnt like the transitions though between songs, the camera was white balanced that great either. I think the blurriness comes form the High iso on the camera. cause of them making the shots darker.

I wish we could’ve gotten mercury blues, dead ringer, all of me, and song of madness soundboards as extras.
Thanks for the review Wario and the great pics! Going through I gotta agree with most of your points.

I felt the documentary was quite a let down. No band members, not enough Meat. The SFM realise people bought this to see Meat right? Badly thought out. And yes you're right the concert footage in the documentary sounded different from the final version so that was very amatuerish to miss that.

Considering the vocal chord problems Meat was having at the time he has done an ASTOUNDING job vocally on this DVD. Meat you should be proud of yourself. I thought every track was a strong vocal performance.

The songs themselves there were so many highlights it's hard to pick them out. Best version of Break It i've heard bar none, best version of Los Angeloser ever done, that was just absolute perfection.

But the two outstanding highlights for me were Rock N Roll Dreams and Two Out Of Three, for the simple fact they had the most jaw dropping, amazing, incredible instrument playing solos in them i've ever seen. I couldn't get enough of the sax in Rock N Roll dreams, or the incredible accoustic intro to that song, or the incredible talents of Justin and Ginny in Two Out Of Three. Meat has never had a better band than this.

On that note can we please have a BIG hand for Ginny Luke. When Meat did MSO it was incredible, and a big part of that was because of the addition of the orchestra, the extra instrumentation added a huge amount to that show, and i've always felt since then that something was missing. But not any more! Ginny Luke may not be an entire orchestra, but her violin alone adds so much to the songs it's incredible! She has taken the songs to another level on this DVD, an amazing talent.

I've got to say I loved Stand In The Storm. I understand what people are saying about autotune, but until I hear from the horses mouth that it was autotuned i'm going to believe it was a great vocal performance.

I understand people are having problems with the picture on this DVD, but it must be down to peoples individual TV's and their settings because on mine it has the best picture i've ever seen on a Meat DVD bar none. So i'd advise people to tinker with the tele settings.

The only things I didn't like out of the whole show were the cut intro into AFL (although that is growing on me), and like you Wario I also felt sometimes that the songs were cut together a bit too closely at some points, so it took away a bit from the concert feel, it made you think there was more to be seen but you wasn't going to get to see it if you know what I mean. On reflection it's just a personal view, but I would have liked to see the documentary get cut and have the full show.

Nonetheless, it's a fantastic watch and I also love listening to the CD elsewhere, so i'd like to give a big heartfelt thanks to Meat and the band for doing an incredible job. THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH, THANK YOU!!!
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Old 09 Oct 2012, 02:57   #423
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Originally Posted by Vickip View Post
Thanks for your review Wario I haven't gotten my copy so I can't comment on anything you've posted
but Rock & Roll Dreams and Peace On Earth are two of the songs that I'm truly looking forward to seeing

Me neither Vic...hoping tomorrow since today was a holiday, but I'm working day shift tomorrow!

(still can't believe there is an icon for SHIT! LOL)

Hopefully I will be blastin the house down after the kids finish their homework tomorrow NIGHT!
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Old 09 Oct 2012, 03:18   #424
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Originally Posted by kkzag View Post
Me neither Vic...hoping tomorrow since today was a holiday, but I'm working day shift tomorrow!

(still can't believe there is an icon for SHIT! LOL)

Hopefully I will be blastin the house down after the kids finish their homework tomorrow NIGHT!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for both of us Kar
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Old 09 Oct 2012, 12:19   #425
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Just heard from JB HI FI here in Aus. It will definately be released on Blu Ray and they are not sure yet if it will be a CD/DVD pack. Release in Nov.

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