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Old 03 Feb 2014, 21:36   #51
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Originally Posted by loaferman61 View Post
I think Meat even mentioned it in an interview. Vince often pulls internet videos because if you can catch them before he does IMO he sounds pretty far gone vocally. I would go see them only because Alice Cooper is opening, but between the ticket price and having a legend like Alice open for Neil is a bit much for me.
Ah, you had me at Alice Cooper. Though why he'd be opening for Vince Neil I have no idea.

Slightly different (?) debate, but here's a clip of The Coop singing Elected at Bloodstock the other year, shot on a camera phone and yet in amazing quality, both visually and audibly. I know this because I know who the video belongs to: I was there.

I think the recording speaks for itself with regards to vocals and 'sounding like the album'. And yep, it's a 30+ year old song. I know this isn't the Alice Cooper forum, but we've mentioned Springsteen and The Crue, so what the hell.

Back with Meat Loaf - my personal view on this one is, yeah, it'd be nice, but I'm not pining for it to happen. If it does, it does. Could be cool.
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Old 03 Feb 2014, 21:45   #52
Julie in the rv mirror
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Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
Interacting with Springsteen has always seemed off limits to me even though he plays the down the earth guy well. It's probably the number of fans that's the issue there.
It's quite the opposite, actually. He doesn't really have an online presence (he's jokingly said, "Real men don't tweet", or something to that effect- I think he's just not that interested), but I have heard many, many stories about him interacting with fans in person, especially in Europe, where he stays in a city for a while; in the States he usually flies home right after shows. People in New Jersey, where he lives, see him quite often.

By all accounts, he is very down-to-earth, and very approachable provided that people are respectful and don't lose their minds- it becomes a safety issue at that point. The night I met him after a show, he called us over to him, not the opposite. But there were only a few of us, and no one was jumping up and down and screaming (as I have seen on other occasions).
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Old 03 Feb 2014, 22:09   #53
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Originally Posted by TheDoode View Post
Slightly different (?) debate, but here's a clip of The Coop singing Elected at Bloodstock the other year, shot on a camera phone and yet in amazing quality, both visually and audibly. I know this because I know who the video belongs to: I was there.

I think the recording speaks for itself with regards to vocals and 'sounding like the album'. And yep, it's a 30+ year old song. I know this isn't the Alice Cooper forum, but we've mentioned Springsteen and The Crue, so what the hell.
Wow, that's a phone camera? They're really getting good these days (mine is crappy )! Looked like a fun show.

I saw the Coop once many moons ago, unfortunately during his "three-piece-suit" phase, though it was still a great show. Billy Squier opened for him and got booed/bottled off the stage after 2 or 3 songs- good times!
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Old 04 Feb 2014, 03:12   #54
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Originally Posted by Julie in the rv mirror View Post
It's quite the opposite, actually. He doesn't really have an online presence (he's jokingly said, "Real men don't tweet", or something to that effect- I think he's just not that interested), but I have heard many, many stories about him interacting with fans in person, especially in Europe, where he stays in a city for a while; in the States he usually flies home right after shows. People in New Jersey, where he lives, see him quite often.

By all accounts, he is very down-to-earth, and very approachable provided that people are respectful and don't lose their minds- it becomes a safety issue at that point. The night I met him after a show, he called us over to him, not the opposite. But there were only a few of us, and no one was jumping up and down and screaming (as I have seen on other occasions).
Fair enough, that was ignorance speaking. I only follow 3 artists actively and indeed Bruce is the only one out of those who doesn't tweet, YouTube, forum post and Facebook it's probably that that just gives that impression to me ie "this is a closed group, if you want in you need to be at the right place at the right time or just really lucky."
He's the only one out of those 3 I follow I haven't met but then 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
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Old 04 Feb 2014, 07:48   #55
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Originally Posted by CarylB View Post
This is in the Meat forum .. Meat has made his position clear, and has finished touring anyway .. so I'm not sure why yet another thread pointing out that other artists sell or distribute live recordings or happily embrace bootlegs is in it .. unless to point out again that Meat doesn't and somehow find him wanting as a performer.
Or rather than assuming people are implying he is "wanting" as a performer, why not be a little more positive and perhaps assume that people are implying they are "wanting" these recordings available? I am tired of having a dissenting view taken with a negative intonation. I wish these recordings were available, do not think Mr. Loaf is "wanting as a performer" for not releasing them, and am a bit offended that my opinion is being slagged on here once again.
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Old 04 Feb 2014, 09:12   #56
Julie in the rv mirror
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Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
Fair enough, that was ignorance speaking. I only follow 3 artists actively and indeed Bruce is the only one out of those who doesn't tweet, YouTube, forum post and Facebook it's probably that that just gives that impression to me ie "this is a closed group, if you want in you need to be at the right place at the right time or just really lucky."
He's the only one out of those 3 I follow I haven't met but then 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
He does have official Twitter, Facebook and YouTube channels, but it's not he himself who posts. As to the forums, I'm actually kind of glad he doesn't post there, because it could get really scary if he did, and it's scary enough without him a lot of the time. AFAIK, a couple of former and at least one current band member are members, though.

Being lucky or in the right place at the right time does help, but is not necessarily required.

A word as to the quality of the downloads- so far I have the second and third Cape Town shows, and they sound pretty good to me, considering the quick turnaround time. There were a few complaints about the sound quality of the first show, but I'm sure they will improve with time.
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Old 04 Feb 2014, 14:25   #57
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Originally Posted by CarylB View Post
This is in the Meat forum .. Meat has made his position clear, and has finished touring anyway .. so I'm not sure why yet another thread pointing out that other artists sell or distribute live recordings or happily embrace bootlegs is in it .. unless to point out again that Meat doesn't and somehow find him wanting as a performer.

I have never found him wanting. Why is that anytime a comment is made it gets back to a dig at Meat? Where does it say anything about that? And where does it say he should do this or he should do that?
He does what he feels is best for his business.
Everything else is chatter and conjecture and sometimes talking points.
To your point a lot of the youtube videos were taken down and I can completely understand why.
I was referring to one or two in particular that capture a sense of what he gave at the last at bat performances.
I am very confused with the attitude that fan videos are evil and should never be seen. The terrible ones with the bad audio and shaky hands absolutely they should be dealt with by the artist however they wish to.
But ones done with obvious respect and care, why some people get so upset over it is astounding.
This is probably why there is interest in more official releases.
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Old 04 Feb 2014, 15:19   #58
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Originally Posted by renegadeangel View Post
And where does it say he should do this or he should do that?
I'll quote your own words from the opening post...

Thats the sort of thing that everyone should have the opportunity to see. It should be up on his own website.
That looks a lot to me like someone saying what they think Meat should do.
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Old 04 Feb 2014, 16:26   #59
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Originally Posted by Dave View Post
... am a bit offended that my opinion is being slagged on here once again.
I really don't see why. No-one has "slagged" your opinion that I can see. I know I have not, and you quoted my post. I simply, and without "slagging" anyone, posted my view or responded to comments directed at me, none of which offended me. I am sorry that you have chosen to feel offended. I didn't read your post or posts here, was not addressing you, and do not consider I said anything either personally rude or offensive.

Originally Posted by renegadeangel View Post
I have never found him wanting. Why is that anytime a comment is made it gets back to a dig at Meat? Where does it say anything about that? And where does it say he should do this or he should do that?
I think Jenna has covered your last question. I said I am not sure why, when Meat has made his position clear and has finished touring, we have yet another thread calling for bootlegs on a Meat forum thread .. unless it is yet again to make the point that he doesn't embrace them. When I say "and wanting as a performer" I mean wanting in the sense that he doesn't do what all the other performers who are exampled do.

I am very confused with the attitude that fan videos are evil and should never be seen. The terrible ones with the bad audio and shaky hands absolutely they should be dealt with by the artist however they wish to.
But ones done with obvious respect and care, why some people get so upset over it is astounding. [/QUOTE]

I don't believe I, or indeed anyone here, have/has ever suggested bootlegs were "evil". I think poor ones, and the majority in my view are, should not be on YT. They cannot imo give an accurate refection of the theatrical evening of entertainment Meat has put together, and can attract rude comments which are also both hurtful and annoying to the artist in this case. I do not get "upset", I simply respect Meat's right to take whatever stance he chooses on any bootleg, whether done with care or not, as I think you do. Nor do I think Meat needs to fall in line with any performer who happens to take a different view, particularly at this stage in his career.

If my opinion astounds you I can do little about that. It's my opinion .. but I believe delivered in a way that falls in line with the request at the top of every page. I do think much of this debate falls in line with "Other Rock and Roll Heroes" more than it does the "Everything related to Meat Loaf" though
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Old 04 Feb 2014, 20:35   #60
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Originally Posted by JennaG View Post
I'll quote your own words from the opening post...

That looks a lot to me like someone saying what they think Meat should do.
Good point. Never meant it like that though
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Old 05 Feb 2014, 12:03   #61
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Metallica's been doing this for like 10 years, in fact in addition to being able to buy any show from 2004 - Now, they have free downloads of shows from 1982 - 2003, some are bootlegs and some are soundboards.
And when I saw them live in 2009, I did the pre-sale which included a download of my show for free.
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Old 05 Feb 2014, 20:14   #62
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Slightly different (?) debate, but here's a clip of The Coop singing Elected at Bloodstock the other year, shot on a camera phone and yet in amazing quality, both visually and audibly. I know this because I know who the video belongs to: I was there.

I think the recording speaks for itself with regards to vocals and 'sounding like the album'. QUOTE]

We should pitch in for a collection and buy ConcertOne some of those camera phones. Man that is a sharp video.
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Old 05 Feb 2014, 20:44   #63
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Originally Posted by TheDoode View Post
Slightly different (?) debate, but here's a clip of The Coop singing Elected at Bloodstock the other year, shot on a camera phone and yet in amazing quality, both visually and audibly. I know this because I know who the video belongs to: I was there.

I think the recording speaks for itself with regards to vocals and 'sounding like the album'. QUOTE]

We should pitch in for a collection and buy ConcertOne some of those camera phones. Man that is a sharp video.
Not bad for a 'crappy camera phone/bootleg', eh? The sounds pretty great, too!
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Old 07 Feb 2014, 18:05   #64
Julie in the rv mirror
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The Inside Story of Bruce Springsteen's Official Live Downloads

"Bruce thought that we should really go for the raw feeling of the show," manager Jon Landau tells Rolling Stone:

Read more:
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Old 07 Feb 2014, 18:25   #65
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Originally Posted by EddieJ1984 View Post
Metallica's been doing this for like 10 years, in fact in addition to being able to buy any show from 2004 - Now, they have free downloads of shows from 1982 - 2003, some are bootlegs and some are soundboards.
And when I saw them live in 2009, I did the pre-sale which included a download of my show for free.
As to "some are bootlegs and some are soundboards", what to you mean, exactly? A soundboard can still be a bootleg, it just means it's not an official recording (sourced from the soundboard as opposed to an audience recording). An official recording isn't a bootleg, even if recorded with room mics. (I think the term "official bootleg" sounds a little silly- it's an oxymoron.)
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Old 08 Feb 2014, 05:27   #66
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Well I forget when (I wanna say either the black album tour or load) but I remember reading metallica started recording every concert of theirs to soundboard, so at some point it is recordings from them themselves, and then before is jut bootlegs then I guess, even though some are soundboard bootlegs and some aren't, also the covers are usually missing if metallica performed any (like am I evil?)
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Old 08 Feb 2014, 07:27   #67
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Originally Posted by EddieJ1984 View Post
Well I forget when (I wanna say either the black album tour or load) but I remember reading metallica started recording every concert of theirs to soundboard, so at some point it is recordings from them themselves, and then before is jut bootlegs then I guess, even though some are soundboard bootlegs and some aren't, also the covers are usually missing if metallica performed any (like am I evil?)
So, are you saying that Metallica officially released fan-made (i.e. bootleg) recordings? If so, that's interesting.

I imagine covers are missing because they would have to pay royalties on those.
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Old 08 Feb 2014, 11:19   #68
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Dream Theater and Marillion are just two more bands that have taken part in the 'Official Bootleg' market, DT had YTSEJam records which has on a number of official bootleg DVDs and albums as well as the demo versions of albums. Marillion offered the concerts from their tours online.

It's a great idea and really cool for the fans but if the artist doesn't want to do it or isn't interested then I'm cool with that, they don't have an obligation.
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Old 08 Feb 2014, 20:08   #69
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Originally Posted by jcmoorehead View Post
Dream Theater and Marillion are just two more bands that have taken part in the 'Official Bootleg' market, DT had YTSEJam records which has on a number of official bootleg DVDs and albums as well as the demo versions of albums. Marillion offered the concerts from their tours online.

It's a great idea and really cool for the fans but if the artist doesn't want to do it or isn't interested then I'm cool with that, they don't have an obligation.
True. But we can hope. It would be nice to see or hear a Vegas show since Meat has stopped touring. Vegas is a long walk when you're broke and a long swim from Europe as well.
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Old 13 Feb 2014, 20:41   #70
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Originally Posted by jcmoorehead View Post
Dream Theater and Marillion are just two more bands that have taken part in the 'Official Bootleg' market, DT had YTSEJam records which has on a number of official bootleg DVDs and albums as well as the demo versions of albums.
I'm off to see DT at Wembley tomorrow!
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Old 13 Feb 2014, 21:11   #71
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Old 13 Feb 2014, 21:21   #72
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Originally Posted by tonyloaf View Post
cheers I will.
no support band.
the tour is "an evening with...."
3 hrs of pure DT.
can't wait.
then off straight away with mrs. chairboys to devon for a couple of days.
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Old 16 Feb 2014, 21:26   #73
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Originally Posted by chairboys View Post
cheers I will.
no support band.
the tour is "an evening with...."
3 hrs of pure DT.
can't wait.
then off straight away with mrs. chairboys to devon for a couple of days.
Went to go see them in Wolverhampton last night, got the platinum M&G package, absolutely incredible, one of the best concerts I have been to.
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Old 18 Feb 2014, 22:55   #74
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hear, hear.
truly amazing.
hope you had a great M&G.
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Old 21 Feb 2014, 17:06   #75
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Interestingly there was a youtube channel that had tons and tons of metallica live bootlegs up (MilanicaChannel), I guess you could say the warioloaf of metallica lol (but even more content) and they just got shut down QPrime (Metallica's management) apparently one of the ones that complained.....that sucks.

I dont get how watching old live footage that fans recorded can hurt a band/singer.
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